Can anyone in a similar part of the UK recommend any with a good flavour apart from what I already grow or plan to plant? Or even someone in Kent and Essex, with slightly higher temperatures and more sun.
I have Laxton's Epicure apple (end August) and Doyenne d'Ete pear (mid July). Both are excellent. Jargonelle pear should be ripe but doesn't currently want to crop. I'm planting Gladstone and Irish Peach apples 2018-19.
Anyone tried apples Laxton's Advance or Laxton's Early Crimson? Listed in the old Scott's catalogue which I kept after they closed.
Or other early pears? I saw some at Brogdale in mid-late July years ago that were falling off the trees; all had Hungarian or Czech names.
An apple or pear in July or first half of August is worth three in early September ...
I have Laxton's Epicure apple (end August) and Doyenne d'Ete pear (mid July). Both are excellent. Jargonelle pear should be ripe but doesn't currently want to crop. I'm planting Gladstone and Irish Peach apples 2018-19.
Anyone tried apples Laxton's Advance or Laxton's Early Crimson? Listed in the old Scott's catalogue which I kept after they closed.
Or other early pears? I saw some at Brogdale in mid-late July years ago that were falling off the trees; all had Hungarian or Czech names.
An apple or pear in July or first half of August is worth three in early September ...