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Vine Clippings over winter


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  • Vine Clippings over winter

    Hi there
    I read somewhere or saw a YouTube video that you can cut vine clippings (2-3 year old wood) and store it over the winter for transplanting? Is that right? Will it still be dormant or dead?

  • #2
    If you want to grow some new vines now is a good time to take cuttings. What I do is take new wood (ie this season's growth) cut off about a foot trim that back to about 9" with a sharp knife cutting the base just below a joint and bury the bottom half in the ground.

    Best spots are the North side of buildings as long as the ground is fairly damp - leave them alone for about 18 months and you should get some new vines to transplant then - I'd say about 95+% success rate.


    • #3
      Yep, I have done similar over the years and have managed to grow quite a few extra vines that way
      A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


      • #4
        One idea is to plant cuttings in pots and place in a warm windowsill. They will strike and start to grow, giving you a head start for the coming spring.



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