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Increasing height of 18" strawberry cage


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  • Increasing height of 18" strawberry cage

    I have an Agriframes strawberry cage which I got in a charity shop for £15 a few years ago. The cage is only 18" high so I have to crawl around underneath to harvest the fruit. Some raspberries have also spread into the strawberry bed so I have to bend the canes over to put the net on.

    I erect the cage each year in time to protect the fruit but as my back dislikes the low crawl for picking less and less each year I am wondering if it is possible to raise the height of the cage.

    If I could do it to walk in height 5-6 feet that would be great. I don't have any DIY skills so I am looking for a simple and cheap solution I can physically manage each year. The bed is 4m by 1.2m and the bonus of a taller cage would be getting a good crop of raspberries or even being able to grow other fruit in the bed.

    Is there anything like extension legs I could add to the exisiting legs. I have tried an internet search and am not having much luck.

    Thanks for reading.

  • #2
    Is this it?

    If the legs are hollow, perhaps you could put canes inside or stick the legs inside plastic pipes.
    Whatever you do, you'd need to buy netting as well so it may be as cheap to build one from plastic pipes.

    Or, grow your strawberries at table height in pots or growbags resting on an old garden table (been there, done it).


    • #3
      You can buy upright pole extensions for fruit cages on the Agrifr@mes website....

      Mind you, they're eye-wateringly expensive!
      Last edited by bario1; 23-01-2019, 03:14 PM.


      • #4
        would some metal tubing which you knocked into the ground and the put the legs of the frame you have into, do the job ? If so, might be worth putting a want request on freecycle or wherever. I've found old metal tent poles easy to come by - assuming the diameter would be large enough for what you need.
        Last edited by nickdub; 23-01-2019, 05:31 PM.


        • #5
          perhaps a wooden fence post under each corner?


          • #6
            Put a post on Freecycle for a Blow-away frame (polytunnel). Then cover it with netting. Peg it down well. Mine blew away 1st attempt....


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