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Tayberry Buckingham


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  • Tayberry Buckingham

    Is anyone growing the Buckingham Tayberry? I just took delivery of one and was surprised that the plant I�ve received is quite spiny; I was under the impression that this variety was completely thornless? I�ve just re-read the description on the nursery�s website and they describe it as �less ferociously spined� than other tayberries which does tend to imply partial thorniness... I was expecting something more like a thornless blackberry.

  • #2
    I have a thornless one - though it also tastes pretty soapy, compared to my ferociously prickly versions. I am betting that's due to my care rather than the variety's flavour... I think mine is Buckingham too, I got it from Victoriana Nurseries. - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


    • #3
      Buckingham is usually thornless, mine is.
      I got mine from Blackmoor and they say
      The most exciting new hybrid berry for many years. A tayberry without spines. Identical in every respect to the original tayberry, except the canes are smooth.


      • #4
        I've got a Buckingham. After a couple of years of trying I think I've finally eradicated it from my fruit cage, it spread everywhere. I now have 2 plants in a large container.

        Nice sweet fragrant flavour if you pick them when at peak ripeness, which I found difficult to judge.

        Mine seemed to get spinier as it aged.
        Are y'oroight booy?


        • #5
          Got 2 that grew vigorously last year and produced alot of fruit, very sweet as well. They are thornless and produce alot of branches which each have alot of fruit on.
          The day that Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck ...

          ... is the day they make vacuum cleaners


          • #6
            From a quick web search I found a reference to there being a thorny variety called Buckingham as well as a thornless, if true seems unnecessarily confusing It also appears that virtually all nurseries are selling the thornless variety, apart from Ashridge who I bought from. I�ve contacted them to seek clarity and will see what they say. I really don�t want a thorny plant as I have a young child who will be �helping� with the harvest.


            • #7
              To their credit the nursery have agreed to refund my money, after I sent them links to the RHS description of this variety indicating it’s supposed to be completely thornless. This has left me with a bit of a dilemma about what to do with the plant as I really wanted the thornless one but not sure I can bring myself to let the existing one go (I feel sorry for unwanted plants, it’s a weakness ��)


              • #8
                Originally posted by TrixC View Post
                This has left me with a bit of a dilemma about what to do with the plant as I really wanted the thornless one but not sure I can bring myself to let the existing one go (I feel sorry for unwanted plants, it’s a weakness ��)
                I'd keep it. It's not really thorny like some brambles and from experience it's a prolific fruiter and the fruit is very good. Cheap welding gauntlets will cope with the thorns.
                Riddlesdown (S Croydon)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TrixC View Post
                  but not sure I can bring myself to let the existing one go (I feel sorry for unwanted plants, it�s a weakness ��)
                  Just remember why you wanted a thornless one
                  I really don�t want a thorny plant as I have a young child who will be �helping� with the harvest
                  Have you family/friend/neighbour who would appreciate it?


                  • #10
                    Or a fellow grape who would happily take it off your hands


                    • #11
                      Give it away, Trix or you'll be forever worrying about whether your young helper will be prickled.
                      Then buy another one with your refund.


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