I was idly wondering the other day about different apple varieties and I thought I'd have a look for Pitmaston Pineapple . I found someone on Ebay offering "Scion Wood For Grafting - Many Apple and Pear Tree" who had it among the varieties on offer - so I thought "why not" and stumped up �4 ( half for p &p) on Tuesday.
Yesterday I thought I'd better try to get my hand in a bit - my success rate with grafting is roughly 50%, which would be laughably poor by professional standards but as I normally graft from my own tree varieties I can just do loads.. So I found my raffia, a container of grafting wax (approx 25 years old), an old carpenters glue pot, which I use for melting the wax, a small paint brush for applying it and sharpened my pruning knife. I did a few plums and an apple, making as good a job as my skill level allows .
Much to my surprise the Ebay order rocked up today - quite well packed in damp paper two scions each about 8" long and a bit thinner than a pencil. Duly got two whip and tongues grafted on and as they were quite long I cut the tops off and used those in a cleft graft ( the easiest one I reckon) .
So we shall see - the scions were showing nice and green at the cambium layer, if they don't take it will be down to my poor technique I reckon.
Yesterday I thought I'd better try to get my hand in a bit - my success rate with grafting is roughly 50%, which would be laughably poor by professional standards but as I normally graft from my own tree varieties I can just do loads.. So I found my raffia, a container of grafting wax (approx 25 years old), an old carpenters glue pot, which I use for melting the wax, a small paint brush for applying it and sharpened my pruning knife. I did a few plums and an apple, making as good a job as my skill level allows .
Much to my surprise the Ebay order rocked up today - quite well packed in damp paper two scions each about 8" long and a bit thinner than a pencil. Duly got two whip and tongues grafted on and as they were quite long I cut the tops off and used those in a cleft graft ( the easiest one I reckon) .
So we shall see - the scions were showing nice and green at the cambium layer, if they don't take it will be down to my poor technique I reckon.