Driving past b&m bargains this morning (to buy stakes for my ashmeads kernel and pear Beth that arrived from ashridge yesterday) I noticed they had trees outside. Bare root trees, no idea of rootstock, but all �5 each. I bought a Victoria plum. They also had jonagold apples, a couple of cherries (one was morello, don't remember the other), doyenne de comice and conference pears and a couple of others. Pretty mainstream collection of varieties, not labelled for rootstocks but they all say 300-500cm. I'd guess at Julien, mm106, colt, quince A as being the most common mass produced ones. There wasn't much in the way of roots on my plum but I've shoved it in a hole. If someone wants a bargain you can't argue with a fiver.
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Cheap trees - �5
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Reply to Winter projectsby Vince GSo a couple of weeks later than intended, work has commenced on my anti-ratty tunnel today.
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