Looked over some cherry trees in the poly-tunnel this morning and did a little judicious fettling to them.
I nicked and notched one new tree to encourage the newly forming branches to even up, and also did some bending down on one of the other trees.
I don't do espalier or fan training so I can't claim to be an expert, but for those who are trying to do anything along those lines as soon as growth starts you can make progress with your plans.
It used to be said that most people pruned their old trees too much and their young ones too little - and I think that's still true today.
I nicked and notched one new tree to encourage the newly forming branches to even up, and also did some bending down on one of the other trees.
I don't do espalier or fan training so I can't claim to be an expert, but for those who are trying to do anything along those lines as soon as growth starts you can make progress with your plans.
It used to be said that most people pruned their old trees too much and their young ones too little - and I think that's still true today.