Hi all,
We have a miniature peach tree in our garden. It's been fine for the last couple of years but this spring all its new leaves shrivelled up and turned bright green (they're usually dark red). They all died away and it's put out a new set which are doing better but the same thing is starting to happen. I've had a look and maybe a copper fungicide will help? If so, where can I get some in a small quantity?
Many thanks
We have a miniature peach tree in our garden. It's been fine for the last couple of years but this spring all its new leaves shrivelled up and turned bright green (they're usually dark red). They all died away and it's put out a new set which are doing better but the same thing is starting to happen. I've had a look and maybe a copper fungicide will help? If so, where can I get some in a small quantity?
Many thanks
