I'm looking for a gooseberry variety that has that classic gooseberry taste, and is also resistant to gooseberry mildew.
I already have four gooseberry bushes, all hinnonmaki red, and although they are delicious, and sweet enough to eat raw, too, they lack that classic gooseberry taste. I'm thinking this may be because they are a red variety, so I want to get a green one.
I'm thinking Invicta. Can anybody who grows this variety attest to the gooseberry-ness of its flavour?
I already have four gooseberry bushes, all hinnonmaki red, and although they are delicious, and sweet enough to eat raw, too, they lack that classic gooseberry taste. I'm thinking this may be because they are a red variety, so I want to get a green one.
I'm thinking Invicta. Can anybody who grows this variety attest to the gooseberry-ness of its flavour?