Wasn't going to put any fruit trees in on my (now looking rather tiny) plot, but how could I say no when they're �5 at Morrisons!? I bought a pear with a French name, now known as Jerry for some reason, and a plum (Opal), who I think I shall name Miranda.
I've got this random idea of sticking one of them in the handy gap in the paving stones alongside the polylesstunnel, to make it more attractive, would this work, if I train it to keep it low so as not to cast much shade? The other I want as a step over but since I understand not a word of what the RHS speak when it comes to training, I'll probably end up ramming it in a corner near the fence.
But, five pounds!!!!
I've got this random idea of sticking one of them in the handy gap in the paving stones alongside the polylesstunnel, to make it more attractive, would this work, if I train it to keep it low so as not to cast much shade? The other I want as a step over but since I understand not a word of what the RHS speak when it comes to training, I'll probably end up ramming it in a corner near the fence.
But, five pounds!!!!
