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A Grafting Tape Question.


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  • A Grafting Tape Question.

    Today I received an apple tree I ordered online. The variety is "Tickled Pink" (Baya Marisa) It came in a small 9cm pot and the stem is about 50cm tall. But I noticed it still has the grafting tape attached.
    Photo of tree here:

    Should I remove this now or leave it ? Should it be removed or will it come off on its own over time. It looks quite well adhered to the stem.

    Many Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    It should have been grafted many months ago so the graft should be fully healed now.
    I would probably carefully peel the tape off (don't cut it with a sharp knife or you might wound the stem) otherwise it might start to get a bit tight and leave a strange indentation on the stem.

    On a side note, I'd like to see a closer picture of the top quarter of the stem. It might just be the lighting conditions but the orange tinge of the bark at the top of the stem *might* be canker which would be very bad news for such a young plant.


    • #3
      Thank you for your reply with regards to removing the grafting tape.

      Originally posted by FB. View Post
      On a side note, I'd like to see a closer picture of the top quarter of the stem. It might just be the lighting conditions but the orange tinge of the bark at the top of the stem *might* be canker which would be very bad news for such a young plant.
      I think the "orange tinge" you refer to is from the lights in the cooker hood/Extractor fan,above the tree, which were switched on at the time.
      Here is a link to a photo of the top section of the stem under different lighting:

      Thanks again.


      • #4
        Originally posted by GF3 View Post
        Here is a link to a photo of the top section of the stem under different lighting:
        Yes, the resemblance to canker on the top quarter of the stem was a trick of the light.


        • #5
          Wont do any harm to leave the tape on for now, if you are unsure about it - trees only grow bigger when they have leaves on as a general rule, so the tape wont constrict it any over the Winter - most likely the weather will fetch it off by next Spring, but if it doesn't then the tape should be carefully removed some time in April.


          • #6
            Originally posted by nickdub View Post
            Wont do any harm to leave the tape on for now, if you are unsure about it - trees only grow bigger when they have leaves on as a general rule, so the tape wont constrict it any over the Winter - most likely the weather will fetch it off by next Spring, but if it doesn't then the tape should be carefully removed some time in April.
            Thanks for your reply.
            Yes, I was thinking of leaving it alone during the dormant period and the exposure to the winter weather may make it easier to remove in the Spring - or, as you say, the weather alone may do it.
            Many Thanks.


            • #7
              Originally posted by GF3 View Post
              Thanks for your reply.
              Yes, I was thinking of leaving it alone during the dormant period and the exposure to the winter weather may make it easier to remove in the Spring - or, as you say, the weather alone may do it.
              Many Thanks.
              no problem - you're very welcome

              In the past when I have had damage from deer or rabbits eating the bark off my apples trees in a cold winter I have bandaged up the damaged areas with a black plastic bin bag or similar - as long as this is left slightly loose and the trunk has not been completely "ringed" its surprising how quickly new bark will grow back in the following year.

              Happy gardening :-)



              • #8
                Thanks again.
                On a side note.
                Could you possibly tell what root stock the apple tree is from the photo I posted?
                I have bought two other trees. One Plum Tree (Blue Tit) on Pixi root stock and an Apple tree (Red Windsor) on M26. This one (Tickled Pink) was from Thompson&Morgan via their eBay outlet (The other two trees where not). In the ebay description it just says Height 200cm Width 200cm. Would that make it M27 or Possibly M9? There was no label or anything on the pot.
                It was bought as an after thought - it was flagged up when I was on eBay as "something I may be interested in" and it was �12.99 post free.


                • #9
                  You could try asking T&M what they've sold you. Good luck with that.

                  They're selling it on their site as MM106


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                    You could try asking T&M what they've sold you. Good luck with that.

                    They're selling it on their site as MM106
                    Many thanks for your reply.
                    I did see that one on their own website. This is the ebay one:


                    I did send them a message within ebay... no reply as yet.


                    • #11
                      Like I said, Good luck with getting a reply from them. Don't hold your breath!


                      • #12
                        Seems likely form the main T&M site its probably on M9, but M27 is also a possibility - anything stronger would be miss-selling really.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GF3 View Post
                          Thanks again.
                          On a side note.
                          Could you possibly tell what root stock the apple tree is from the photo I posted?
                          Assuming that's it's a 1 year old rootstock something that thick I'd say was M27.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Lardman View Post
                            Assuming that's it's a 1 year old rootstock something that thick I'd say was M27.
                            Thanks for your reply.
                            I've had a reply back from T+M here it is:


                            Now, this is the first time I've ever bought fruit trees - so - I'm no expert. But...


                            • #15
                              That reply is like they didn�t even want to look into what it was! In VCs link it has the info -
                              MM106 - Semi dwarf reaching a mature height of up to 4m (13'). You could reply why does it have grafting tape on it. What�s been grafted onto my cutting
                              Location : Essex


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