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BLANC ALEMORE wild strawberry


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  • BLANC ALEMORE wild strawberry

    i grew this strawberry 4-5 years ago,
    it produces runners and fruits are white,

    anyone grown this veriety?
    the original plant dies after fruiting only leaving the runners,
    mine after a couple of years of producing white fruits, suddenly produce red fruited runners on the 3 rd year,
    it seems very suseptable to virus,
    i grew30 plants from my originall stock and only 1 produced fruits which were poor, the seedligs also produced runners, that didnt produce fruit, i grubbed these out,
    was aquired from an old gardener who passed it on reeds nursery,
    cant find an original plant anywere,
    possibly dropped due to its volitile nature lol,
    any with any info stew

  • #2
    I have not tried this one. Why not try a different alpine strawberry ?


    • #3
      i have most of the other wilds/alpine,
      reugen,mignonette,alexandria,golden alexandria,evermore,white soul,red wonder,yellow wonder, 4 season, di bosco, baron schlemacher, and a few others so im missing blanc alemore from my collection, its the only white fruited wild i know that has runners, stewart


      • #4
        Originally posted by swaine View Post
        i have most of the other wilds/alpine,
        reugen,mignonette,alexandria,golden alexandria,evermore,white soul,red wonder,yellow wonder, 4 season, di bosco, baron schlemacher, and a few others so im missing blanc alemore from my collection, its the only white fruited wild i know that has runners, stewart
        Do you have any spare seeds ? Or advice on germination ?


        • #5
          sowed all seed last week, on germanation i always sow seed on top of compost and do NOT COVER with more compost, in seed trays, not pots, usually germinate between 14-28 days, in an unheated greenhouse,usually late january-feb, but will germinate anytime of year thou, there really not fussy,then pot on when large enough to handle, to 3inch pots
          then into open ground when ready,
          Last edited by pigletwillie; 19-02-2008, 07:32 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by swaine View Post
            sowed all seed last week, on germanation i always sow seed on top of compost and do NOT COVER with more compost, in seed trays, not pots, usually germinate between 14-28 days, in an unheated greenhouse,usually late january-feb, but will germinate anytime of year thou, there really not fussy,then pot on when large enough to handle, to 3inch pots
            then into open ground when ready,
            Do they self seed or do you need to buy new seed each year ? Or can you collect seed for reuse ?
            Last edited by pigletwillie; 19-02-2008, 07:44 PM.


            • #7
              i used to grow all the above and did save seed and regrow, i would expect a small amount of cross pollination if you grow all the varieties in rows v.close together,
              i saved seed from yellow fruited alpine strawberrys that grew v.close to red and the resulting seedlings fruited yellow but on very close observation the was very fine red vains on the fruit, possible cross polination occured,
              it all honesty most wild/alpines very similar, im growing them again after a couple of year absance of growing them is to see if theres any real differance in cropping time,berry size /shape plant growth etc, my own little trail,
              i just imported seed from australia and the usa of some rarer wild/alpine types
              even one with pink flowers
              as stated above the BLANC ALEMORE was a different kettle of fish, very unstable thats why i want to work with it again,
              plants are easily divided, thats the best way to propagate true to cultivar
              regards stewart
              Last edited by pigletwillie; 19-02-2008, 07:44 PM.


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