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Advice Re Pomegranite tree


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  • Advice Re Pomegranite tree

    Help!!!!! I bought a Pomegranite Tree from Woolies about 4 weeks ago and planted it, following the advice on the pack and it still looks like a stick How long till I can expect some signs of growth or at least a sign that its still alive

  • #2
    Pomegranite's are unlikely to fruit in the UK, they're really a Mediterranean tree, we grow them down here quite successfully - have a chum in the village with a tree and it's laden every year. In your location you may be lucky tho, but I would think it's unlikely and this is an opportunity for Woolies to sell 'exotics' without thinking of the practicalities of it.

    And there are two types of tree, one is a fruiter (grenadien) and the other is just ornamental, you will get some fruit on it but it's insignificant. We have one in our garden and we just enjoy it because it looks nice, flowers are nive also, but no fruit.

    If it does start to sprout, it will want warm weather for at least a month - if it doesn't, take it back with the receipt and ask for your money back, here we get guarantees with our plants (bought two wisteria yesterday, garden centre gave me my guarantee slips for both) and if you don't take it back and say something appropriate to the managers at the shop, they can't feed it back up the line.
    TonyF, Dordogne 24220


    • #3
      I'm glad that I'm not the only one with a dead looking stick from Woolworths! I had high hopes of some fruit and will give mine a chance in the greenhouse. If no luck, then out it will have to go. I am trying for self sufficieny and can't spare the space for no return. Shame as I love pomegranites.


      • #4
        i bought one of those when i was in engerland for easter ...its only just gone in and it s looking very sticky! However am much uplifted by tony's comment .......


        • #5
          i bought one as well and it still looks like a stick but it's only been in the ground a month and i'm not expecting fruit untill at least next year.
          The one from woolies you bought is a bush variety that grows to about 1.2m and according to the fruit expert it will grow and produce fruit in this country if given time , There's also another ornimental tree that grows to 6' and this does not produce fruit in britian unless it's in a greenhouse .
          ---) CARL (----
          NORTH DEVON

          a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!

          now in blog form ! UPDATED 15/4/09


          • #6
            I also got mine from Woolies,but unlike everyone else who has mentioned buying one,mine soon sprouted and has lots of leaves,but we have got a south-facing very warm garden......Woolies plants are not usually in the best condition to start with.


            • #7
              where do you get a very warm garden at the moment...even mine is cold and i'm 500 miles south of engerland........


              • #8
                Mine's warm Jardiniere, just very wet - again! But the grape vines and roncier are doing really well in their new homes.
                Last edited by TonyF; 21-04-2008, 05:52 AM.
                TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                • #9
                  Well I just checked it and..........yep, it still looks like a stick . I might move it to a sunnier bit of the garden to see if that helps.


                  • #10
                    Yaaaaaaaaaaaay, its showing signs of life I just checked it and there look to be loads of little sprouty bits on the "stick" I don't mind if I don't get any fruit, I'm happy with just the bush


                    • #11
                      Mine too - looked at it yesterday and its got bits of green - i want fruit - in fact i want the best fruit available to humanity ...........................


                      • #12
                        I had a look at my stick at the weekend, I hadn't paid it that much attention and all of a sudden it was covered in little leaves. It was sat in a corner of the greenhouse, but has now been moved to a prime spot to encourage it to flower. Fingers crossed!


                        • #13
                          Hi I have pomegranite trees that I grew from seed about 15 years ago I have never had any fruit, and on one plant I had just one flower about 5 years back, this was when I put one in the greenhouse I gave them to friends and now I have just one left its in a 12 inch pot left outside in winter about 3 feet high, its just a nice green plant.
                          ps. its deciduous.
                          Last edited by JOHN LOCKWOOD; 23-05-2008, 10:40 PM.


                          • #14
                            We have a local shop that's just opened called "The Range" i understand they have shops all over the country,i noticed that they're selling pome's that are in full flower........whether they'll actually fruit though is another matter.


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