Hi everyone
I have my strawbs in the ground at the mo and they're lovely and healthy and flowering.
Enter two puppies... .... ....
They've not touched the strawbs yet, but most of my bulbs have been deflowered just before they've opened their lovely display, so I'm guessing when the fruit appears I have no hope of keeping any.
We thought Fruit cage but where they are I think it'd be more hassel than it's worth, so I'm thinking a 'Table Top' type system. But it's opened up a whole host of questions...
- Anyone ever moved flowering strawb plants before and any advice on the best way (other than moving as much soil with them)
Anyone else do table top strawbs? I guess they'll need more watering and better soil as they can't hunt for their themselves in growbags/pots, but anything else I need to think of and what do you do with the plants over winter?
Cheers as always
I have my strawbs in the ground at the mo and they're lovely and healthy and flowering.
Enter two puppies... .... ....
They've not touched the strawbs yet, but most of my bulbs have been deflowered just before they've opened their lovely display, so I'm guessing when the fruit appears I have no hope of keeping any.
We thought Fruit cage but where they are I think it'd be more hassel than it's worth, so I'm thinking a 'Table Top' type system. But it's opened up a whole host of questions...
- Anyone ever moved flowering strawb plants before and any advice on the best way (other than moving as much soil with them)
Anyone else do table top strawbs? I guess they'll need more watering and better soil as they can't hunt for their themselves in growbags/pots, but anything else I need to think of and what do you do with the plants over winter?
Cheers as always