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leaf problems on currant bushes.


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  • leaf problems on currant bushes.

    The leaves on my currant bushes have purple blisters on them.On the reverse of the leaf maybe 5-6 tiny aphids are visible.Does anyone know what this is. My lottie neighbours seem as puzzled as I!!!

  • #2
    The red blisters are caused by the aphids you have seen I've had them once, quite a few years ago. I sprayed with diluted soft soap and (probably unnecessarily) removed and burned the affected leaves. As I have been organic for years, the garden is now nicely balanced with plenty of wildlife (birds, ladybugs, hoverflies and lacewings to attend to any aphids) I haven't had any problem like that since.


    • #3
      i dont know what it is but try looking at FruitDisease - Home Page they have picture of plants with different diseases so you can match up and gives a treatment action.


      • #4
        "If your redcurrant leaves become covered with puckered purple blisters, this is a reaction to leaf-blistering aphids and does not affect the crop. Many of the leaves can be removed during the summer prune and the plant will not suffer" - this is what Monty Don has to say about the problem.


        • #5
          They're right!
          I pull off and burn affected leaves ( I find it hard to organic spray inside the curled leaves).
          Make sure you remove and burn all leaves in the autumn too.

          Your crop should be fine but the plant's growth may be inhibited if the tips of the branches are affected.
          Just keep an eye on it!
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • #6
            Thanks all.I looked around the lotties and I can't see the problem on anyone elses yet.Glad to hear it should not affect crop.I have been removing the affected leaves but this is getting a bit too labour intensive now,due size of the currant bush.


            • #7
              Here you go...might be better next year...

              Royal Horticultural Society - Gardening Advice: Currant Blister Aphid
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


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