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Lemon tree miracle


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  • Lemon tree miracle

    Hi folks,

    The in-laws bought me lemon tree for Christmas, but despite being in a frost free greenhouse and being covered in fleece and surrounded by a sort of bubble wrap tent, the leaves slowly died starting with the new soft leaves then the older ones turning dry and brown the dropping off. I tried to follow all the advice; not overwatering, covering when low temperatures were forecast, ventilating at least for a short while a day, letting as much light in as possible, etc. It did get a black sooty mould on it but following advice I labouriously wiped each leaf and fruit clean with milk and a tissue. Husband and I were in the greenhouse at the weekend clearing out ready for the onslaught of the summer crops when he noticed that the tree had put out shoots, indeed even some small leaves. We quickly cleared out all the dead leaves and checked for moisture. The soil was still damp. Not knowing what else to do, we have put it on the soil still in its pot in the middle of what is to be the tomato bed. The temperatures are getting low but we haven't had a frost. (2.2c last night) Should we repot, feed, prune, leave well alone! Help! When I got it it had fruit and blossom on and was in very good condition. As you can imagine I was really gutted when it appeared to die. Advice please.

  • #2
    I've had die off too and I overwinterd mine in the greenhouse. I have repotted them into bigger pots and they are showing new shoots, I will start to feed them this weekend on a regular basis. I recommend you do the same.

    Vegetable Kingdom blog


    • #3
      I had very similar with my tangerine tree,,, but I think I overwatered it.
      I repotted it a couple weeks ago,,,, & I too have a few small new green shoots,,, albeit, one of them is browning as we speak.

      It looks - at the moment - as if one side of the tree is still going,,,, but the other side is giving (given) up.

      Simarly with my lemon. I have 3 fruits on it from last year (ooops 2 fruits - one came off today !)
      That also looks alive on one side only, but has sent a new shoot out,,, from about an inch above the soil,,,, which is now as tall as the tree !
      I'm hoping that the tip of this is just getting some buds/flowers as it's not quite as pointed as it was when just growing new leaves.

      I'v also grown about 10 Clementine plants from pips, & about 5 cumquats. All about 2.5" high at the moment. They don't seem to be putting on a lot of growth,,,, but are very green, lush healthy.

      good luck with yours
      try it once,,,,, you might like it !


      • #4
        We have had two lemon trees on pots for about five years. The first year we took them inside, the next two years just fleeced them up a bit, and after that just left them to their own devices. They produced flowers and lemons all year - even when covered in snow! And then... they both died about a month ago - at exactly the same time, whilst looking perfectly healthy just mystery and quite sad!!!
        I don't roll on Shabbos


        • #5
          I to have lemon lime and orange trees in pots in my greenhouse they have been there all winter with out any heat I do not think this is ideal so next winter they are going into my conservetry,but they have servived almost OK I did lose a lot of the old leaves after the temperature went down to -1.At the moment they are in full bloom wth many new shoots. I do use the citrus feed which is available from good garden centres.And if this is of any interest I have a lemon tree permantly outside all the leaves fall of in the spring but new shoots then come about now, its about 5 feet tall so far it has never flowered I might put a mini greenhouse over it next winter.


          • #6
            ah john, i'm glad to hear you say that. i have a lemon tree too which i left outside this winter for the first time (it was getting pretty big, i figured it could handle it!) and it survived very well, didn't seem bothered at all. but come spring a lot of its leaves are falling off, though it's covered in new shoots as well and on the whole seems to be pretty healthy. i'm not sure why this is happening as the temperatures get warmer, but i'm glad it's not just me!


            • #7
              Thanks folks,

              I feel alot more confident it will recover now.



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