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Raspberry cane green on one side?


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  • Raspberry cane green on one side?

    Hello. This is my first year with raspberries and I received a cane in spring and planted it as it was. I didn't know it was supposed to be pruned. When I pruned it to get rid of the dead growth I found it is green but only halfway around on the inside.

    The cane is about 7" high now with new growth coming from the roots 1' tall.

    I would like some advice about the cane? Leave it alone, prune it, something else maybe?

    It is a summer variety, 2nd year and it did grow from the almost dead top as there were a few lines of green but it was strained (I had 15 berries that grew halfway but ripened well) .

    Thanks - Emi
    Last edited by Emi; 18-06-2008, 04:17 PM.

  • #2
    The new growth appearing is the canes that will give you fruit next year, I would prune the old bit right down as you do not want it producing fruit this year. All the energy wants to be going into that new growth for next year.



    • #3
      Summer fruiting varieties must have the fruited canes taken out at ground level and the canes which did not fruit left in for next year.
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