I have some questions about strawberries 
For the last few years I've been getting my strawberry plants from the garden center, I have no idea what variety they are as they weren't labelled and I didn't ask! but, they produce hardly anything, I'm lucky to get maybe 4 small strawberries and 1 large strawberry from each plant! this year they have produced loads of runner though.
so, do I need to try and find a new variety or is there something I can do to make the produce more fruit? Ideally I'd like enough fruit to eat fresh during the summer with enough spare to freeze for the winter....
another thing is, the few strawberries I do have are turning sort of brown, is this from getting wet? (I read you shouldn't get the leaves/fruits wet when watering oops I always do this and they have also been outside in the rain)
Thanks to anyone who actually read all that!

For the last few years I've been getting my strawberry plants from the garden center, I have no idea what variety they are as they weren't labelled and I didn't ask! but, they produce hardly anything, I'm lucky to get maybe 4 small strawberries and 1 large strawberry from each plant! this year they have produced loads of runner though.
so, do I need to try and find a new variety or is there something I can do to make the produce more fruit? Ideally I'd like enough fruit to eat fresh during the summer with enough spare to freeze for the winter....
another thing is, the few strawberries I do have are turning sort of brown, is this from getting wet? (I read you shouldn't get the leaves/fruits wet when watering oops I always do this and they have also been outside in the rain)
Thanks to anyone who actually read all that!
