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Date palm experiment


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  • Date palm experiment

    I shall put this in here as, they are fruit really even if they won't fruit in our climate.

    I found it on google when i got diverted from something else, there was a story about 2000 yr old date seeds being propogated with success, that led to a site telling me to get a box of dates from the supermarket and grow my own date palms.

    yeah right i thought cant be that simple, well, so far so good. stripped the flesh off the dates and soaked to get all the remaining sugarey flesh off to prevent mould.
    put some damp compost in a sandwich box with a lid, and placed the stones on the suface,put lid on leave in a warm place.

    I really wasn't expecting anything to happen, and for a while it looked as if i was right, then i forgot about the box, i have just opened it, and lo and behold at least half if not more have thrown a thick white root down into the compost erm my garden is way too small for even one palm tree, so if these all take, I shall be offering some for swapsies.

    I shall be moving them carefully to individual pots soon, to see how they go.
    Last edited by BrideXIII; 25-10-2008, 03:41 PM.
    Vive Le Revolution!!!
    'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
    Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09

  • #2
    Could you keep me up to "date" with this one. I am bringing back a few stones with me from work, and intend to do the same, but probs wont start till my leave in February.
    Bob Leponge
    Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


    • #3
      Originally posted by bobleponge View Post
      Could you keep me up to "date" with this one. I am bringing back a few stones with me from work, and intend to do the same, but probs wont start till my leave in February.
      sure thing, and if yours don't take, then if mine do ok i can send you some, seeing as I owe you one

      it realyl is as simple as i wrote though, bring back a dozen or so and give it a go, i was gobsmaked that they managed to propogate 3 trees from stones 2000 years old, so stones from a pack 3 months old should be a doddle.

      16 potential palm trees, methinks I may have overdone it a tad.........again

      here is the link i did it from, although i didn't bother soaking, cos the stones came away pretty clean, and I just used ordinary multi purpose compost.

      Grow a Date from Seed
      Attached Files
      Last edited by BrideXIII; 25-10-2008, 04:13 PM.
      Vive Le Revolution!!!
      'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
      Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


      • #4
        I grew these when I was in my teens and it was trendy to grow these and things like avocados and peanuts just for fun.

        Sadly I neglected them - but it would be nice to try again and as its the date season - why not? Got them to about 4-6 inches in height.

        May have another go at peanuts as I've found some 'raw' peanuts at the local co-op - which I presume means they've not been interferred with by heat/cold and stand a chance of growing.


        • #5
          well according to this site, i have to start potting them up now, so we shall see, let me know how you get on with tht peanuts though, can't stand em to eat however, not even the smell.
          Vive Le Revolution!!!
          'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
          Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


          • #6
            i have grown 6 from dates bought in the supermarket. I am a stage further. I have the first leaf. About 2 inches long now. can't wait to see how they grow once the warm weather starts and I can put them in pots in the garden. I hear they grow very quickly. No chance of fruiting though.


            • #7
              date aplm

              if I have done this correctly there should be a photo of one of my date palms
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              • #8
                I have six date plants growing, all about 18 inches tall with two or three leaves. They're about a year and three months old, grown from supermarket dates.

                They put out a good bit of height, but have really slowed down the past six months (probably due to winter and light levels?).

                I did a bit of research on them at the time of planting.. seems they really like deep pots for their long roots. Also something about having exactly the right conditions for them to put out their 'true' leaves.. but can't remember exactly what the right conditions were! Probably lots of sun and summers outside, I'd guess.


                • #9
                  Hi Bride,

                  have just come across this post,,,,, how are your palms getting on now ?

                  I got a couple of mangoes going last year,,,, but after transplanting they died.

                  Have just done another,,,,, but this year will stick to regular compost etc.

                  PEANUTS (Ground nuts): apparently will only grow if the skin on the kernal is intact. Havn't tried these since early school,,,,,

                  try it once,,,,, you might like it !


                  • #10
                    i grew parm dates once they rooted but they never came to anything i waited about 1 years i never let them dry out or anything anyone know what i did wrong?


                    • #11
                      my date plants

                      I have started at the beginning of this year. Got three seeds, managed to germinate two with the help of a youtube video how to propogate seeds. And now I have two plants growing rapidly and bith have 4 leaves each. After this success I have germinated 20 plus seeds and potted them. 10 of them recently showed their heads sneaking out. Its really fun and sense of accomplishment.


                      • #12
                        my date plants

                        My date palms
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          my date plants

                          More pictures of my date plants
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Most date palms reach over 20 feet before they flower and produce fruit. Nowadays the fruit is harvested using a hydraulic lift similar to that used by electricity workers.


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