The biggest is netted but the other two will need to be.
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Melon flowers
Two weeks ago I cleared four of my melon plants, as the plants were dying (root rot, by the looks of it). As I did, I found quite a lot of melons attached to the plant and salvaged all of the larger ones.
I have now eaten several of them, and the Collective Farm Woman were all tasty, but the banana melon was clearly not ripe (it didn't taste terrible, but it wasn't very sweet or fruity).
I have also had a grand total of one watermelon from my two plants, which are now also dying off. More fruit did set (I had four going at one point), but the slugs got three of them.
The one watermelon was only tiny (about 2 inches by 4 inches), and judging by the soft seeds, probably not properly mature, but it still taste sweet and watermelon-y.
There are about half a dozen banana melons on my remaining two plants. There were more, but the slugs got them. These remaining ones seem big enough now that the skin is too tough for the slugs to chew through. They are all about 6-8 inches long and 3 inches wide. Hopefully they will ripen in time.
I shan't bother growing the banana melons again. They set fruit too late in the season.
I shall definitely grow the Collective Farm Woman again, though. Probably a full 8 plants just of that variety. I have also ordered some seeds of another watermelon variety, one which is early maturing and bred for cooler, shorter summers, so hopefully it has a decent chance of producing outside at my allotment.
And on the subject of slug damage, I have discovered drawstring bags made from insect mesh for sale on Aliexress. These seem like they should be perfect for keeping slugs off of the developing melons (and other fruit besides).Last edited by ameno; 16-09-2020, 05:33 AM.
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