I have 2 grapevines in seperate greenhouses and normally I get bunches of big, black juicy grapes with pips. This year the late hard frost we had at the end of May played havoc with them and various other plants. One of the vines lost all it's grapes and had a general sulk. Eventually it did produce two new bunches which are growing. The other vine seemed relatively unaffected by the frost. However some of the bunches of grapes have stopped growing while the grapes are small and are ripening now. I tasted one today and they may be small but they are so sweet and no pips. This is weird but I am not complaining. I think I prefer small and seedless to large with seeds as long as they are sweet.
I just wondered if this had happened to anybody else and if they knew the reason.
I just wondered if this had happened to anybody else and if they knew the reason.