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Name That Apple


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  • Name That Apple

    I was out walking this morning (17-8-20) and I spotted three apple trees growing in the wild. They are all within a 5 min walk of each other. The area they are growing in was once an industrial area (active between early 1800s - mid 1900s) cotton mills, wire and copper works driven by water power. There were also some old terrace houses around there at one point, which where demolished in the 1960s. Now its just a place for willdlife and for people to walk their dogs etc. I took some of the apple and have uploaded a photo of them. Any idea what they are/or might be? They look to be 3 diffrent varieties to me. I will go back in September to check them, and hopefully they will have grown some more. Taste wise, Apple "C" tasted almost ready quite sweet. Not bitter at all. It had a sort of Gala taste to it. Apple "B" taste wise has some time to go..still sour. Apple "A" had a familiar taste to it..but cant quite place it. But should be eddible in time.
    Last edited by GF3; 17-08-2020, 02:24 PM.

  • #2
    Will this help?


    • #3
      Thanks for the link.
      I couldn't find anything there that looks like them. They are probably the result of 3 discarded apple cores. Apple "C" is the smallest of the 3 and tasted quite nice - not a crab apple. I was hoping it may have been a Pitmaston Pinapple.
      Last edited by GF3; 17-08-2020, 03:37 PM.


      • #4
        Plenty of feral apples in my area including one that had fruit and flowers at the same time last September.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0848E.jpg
Views:	88
Size:	191.4 KB
ID:	2506940
        Near Worksop on heavy clay soil


        • #5
          Chances are they grew from a discarded core, as you say, which means they won't be any known variety, as apples do not come true from seed.
          You could probably take a guess at their parentage based on what they most resemble, though.


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