I'd like to plant a few plum trees on my plot but it's the south end of the plot and I don't want them too big. Most seem to be on at Julian root stock which could reach 5.5m. That will shade the south end of my tunnel which isn't ideal. I know this would be in the future but still, I'd rather keep them small.
Any recommendations for types/suppliers? Don't mind paying a bit extra for a healthy tree that stays nice and compact. Probably want 3 of them.
I'd like to plant a few plum trees on my plot but it's the south end of the plot and I don't want them too big. Most seem to be on at Julian root stock which could reach 5.5m. That will shade the south end of my tunnel which isn't ideal. I know this would be in the future but still, I'd rather keep them small.
Any recommendations for types/suppliers? Don't mind paying a bit extra for a healthy tree that stays nice and compact. Probably want 3 of them.