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New Grape Grower


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  • New Grape Grower

    Hello All, new to this forum and new to gardening actually. Listening to gardeners question time catch up on BBC app while working has really got me wanting to grow grape vines. Just bought my first two vines that came yesterday 1 x Boskoop Glory small one and the larger one is Phoenix. Been doing a lot of reading but cannot find a definite answer. So my question is: Should I repot them in bigger containers about 15-20L right away and keep them outside through winter (will be container grown vines) or should I leave them in the containers and soil that they came with and replant them in the spring? Just not to sure the little one will be ok with me replanting now? The big one is presently in a 3L pot and small one in a 2L pot.
    Any advice will be appreciated.

  • #2
    Replant now.
    Grape sap starts rising early, usually late January, and any cuts or damage done after that will bleed, and obviously there is always a risk of broken roots or even branches during repotting, so it's better done before that.
    Also, although grapes are fairly hardy, they will struggle to withstand having their whole rootball frozen. This is much more likely to happen in a small pot, whereas in a large pot the rest of the soil insulates the roots.

    Also, personally I would just plant the grapes straight into their final container, rather than putting them in a medium container now and then repotting them over the years. It's better not to disturb them too much.
    And be sure to use a soil-based potting mixture


    • #3
      The grape vines I have are planted in the ground. I plant them outside but near a poly tunnel so the roots will get rain water. Then thread the rod in through a hole, so that the grape growth will be warmer and drier than they would be out in the open.

      Obviously if you do not have a garden in which to plant or are going to be moving house in the next few years, containers would be the best way forward for you.

      One thing to bear in mind for anyone wondering whether to plant a grape in the open ground or not, is that grape vines are one of the easiest plants to propagate from cuttings. So if I had a new vine and was planning to move house in say 5 years, I would still plant it in the garden, not a container. Then propagate a few new vines to take with me, and leave the established one as a present for the next occupiers of your old place.

      If anyone doubts how big a vine will grow, if it has the chance to really get its roots down in the soil, have a read of this :-

      "The Great Vine, Vitis vinifera 'Schiava Grossa' (synonym: Black Hamburg), is now 250 years old and is the largest grape vine in the world. It was planted in 1768 while Lancelot 'Capability' Brown was in charge of the gardens at Hampton Court."


      • #4
        Brilliant thanks for replies, I"�ll just wait a week or 2 more and rather get a half barrel then plant them. John Innes No3 is what I"�ll be using
        Lucky I asked as I was going to wait till spring..
        heard about that Great vine too on gardeners question time. Insane vine.. would love a vine of that size and age, nice read thank you.
        looking forward to seeing these vine grow...
        many thanks


        • #5
          You are very welcome. Good luck with the grape growing and Happy Gardening Nick


          • #6
            Just joined when I saw your post, I have a one-year-old vine the roots are in the ground but it is within my polytunnel, the leaves have either turned brown or fallen off, which is expected in the Winter the question is should I cut it back? it's about 7ft tall, much appreciate any help.


            • #7
              I would wait another month to cut it back (around the shortest day). Jusy cut it back to the shape you want. Mine, a few years older, just look like a dead stick growing up the wall and across the roof in winter and every Summer try and stop me entering the greenhouses.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bosscat View Post
                Just joined when I saw your post, I have a one-year-old vine the roots are in the ground but it is within my polytunnel, the leaves have either turned brown or fallen off, which is expected in the Winter the question is should I cut it back? it's about 7ft tall, much appreciate any help.
                I'm no expert on grapes, but for my money the simplest system is the 'long rod' one which you can easily google if you want details. The basic idea is to grow one, two, or three rods which are permanent, and tie them to wires or roof struts. Then you prune back near to the rods in the Winter. In the Spring and Summer new growth comes from each joint on the rods and it is on this the flowers, followed by fruit forms.


                • #9
                  I cut mine back the other day,if it"�s only one year old I don"�t think it needs pruning yet,let some side shoots develop - The RHS has a good pruning page for grapes in this link -
                  Location : Essex


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jungle Jane View Post
                    I cut mine back the other day,if it"�s only one year old I don"�t think it needs pruning yet,let some side shoots develop - The RHS has a good pruning page for grapes in this link -
                    Even at 1 year old, a grape definitely needs pruning, especially as it is apparently already 7ft tall.
                    It wants shortening to the final desired height of the framework.


                    • #11
                      As a new vine owner I shall be following this with interest.

                      I've nowhere in the ground to put it so this is the biggest pot I could construct at almost zero cost.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCF6638s.jpg
Views:	294
Size:	295.9 KB
ID:	2513270

                      I went for a Spetchley Red for its dual grape / ornamental purpose.

                      I would like to grow a bottle of wine for my 60th birthday. I have 8 years. Is that enough?
                      Attached Files
                      Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made
                      By singing-'Oh how beautiful!" and sitting in the shade,
                      While better men than we go out and start their working lives
                      At grubbing weeds from gravel paths with broken dinner-knives. ~ Rudyard Kipling


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mrbadexample View Post
                        I would like to grow a bottle of wine for my 60th birthday. I have 8 years. Is that enough?
                        You usually make wine by the gallon (which would be six bottles), as that's how big demijohns are.
                        For a gallon of wine, you apparently need 6-7kg of grapes, which may be optimistic for a single vine in a large container, although it's not impossible.

                        You can make wine in smaller quantities, of course, but then you need appropriately smaller vessels to brew and age it in, as whatever you ferment and age the wine in, the wine needs to fill it to the neck, in order to minimise the surface area of wine in contact with the air. Half a demijohn of wine would be too exposed to the air, and would oxidise too much and end up tasting unpleasant.


                        • #13
                          Hi Mr B.E.
                          If you succeed in growing some grapes maybe one way forward would be to try to find another grower your area who also would like to make a small amount of wine you could join forces with. Bigger tends to be easier.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by nickdub View Post
                            Hi Mr B.E.
                            If you succeed in growing some grapes maybe one way forward would be to try to find another grower your area who also would like to make a small amount of wine you could join forces with. Bigger tends to be easier.

                            I've got a fair bit of time before I have to worry about that, fortunately. First job is to get it through the winter.
                            Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made
                            By singing-'Oh how beautiful!" and sitting in the shade,
                            While better men than we go out and start their working lives
                            At grubbing weeds from gravel paths with broken dinner-knives. ~ Rudyard Kipling


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