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where shall I buy bare root fruit trees?


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  • where shall I buy bare root fruit trees?

    I am looking around for bare root fruits trees. They dont seem come cheap. The only place that seems cheaper is Is it good supplier? Does anyone has other recommendations?

  • #2
    I've had a few problems with Parkers and haven't been very impressed with the quality of what they've send out in the past. I may have just been unlucky so would be interested to hear what other people think.

    Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

    Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


    • #3
      Lidl, Aldi, Woolworths (if they make it through) and other stores will start selling bare root fruit trees in spring. Usually around a fiver each.
      Happy Gardening,


      • #4
        Try talaton plants (adams apples), I always use them and the trees are very resonable and very healthy.

        I've not been very impressed with parkers either


        • #5
          There's also deacons nursery ....they've certainly got the biggest selection of fruit trees i've ever seen and they're very helpful to boot.

          Home Page of Deacon's Nursery: Fruit, Trees and Bushes


          • #6
            Ditto, deacons nurserys are the best ive ever used.Will also give you good advise if you phone them.


            • #7
              thanks for the advise, will check them out.


              • #8
                Ken Muir and Deacons are both good, Parkers are a bit cheap and cheerful!


                • #9
                  You can also try Keepers Nursery - wide selection and good advice by email.


                  • #10
                    bought a napoleon cherry for Victoriana today Victoriana Nursery Gardens - For Home Delivery Of Quality Seeds, Plants, Aquatics, Hedging & Fruit

                    I was working in the area so actually visited the nursery rather than bought via mail order. They charge the same for bare rooted or container i bought one ina a container as i can just keep it until the ground is a bit warmer and I've sorted out where i want to put it.

                    It was quite an old fashioned nursery, and i was the only customer, but they were really friendly and helpful. Loads of fruit trees and bare rooted goosgogs!!

                    Time will tell if it does well -- but fingers crossed!


                    • #11
                      Also visited Hilliers and bought 2 bare rooted Blackthorns for £1.50 each! They're nothing more than twigs - but in a few years i'm hoping for enough sloes to make sloe gin.

                      Ahh,,, the benefits of "Growing your own".

                      Now i just need to sort out the junipers.....


                      • #12
                        In the past, I have bought from Deacons (Isle of Wight), Blackmoor (Hampshire), Simpsons (Suffolk), Victoriana (Kent) and Chris Bowers (Norfolk) with no major problems.
                        I've heard people mention RV Roger and Talaton/Adams.

                        I would be wary of buying too cheap. In life, you often get what you pay for.


                        • #13
                          Click on the links here - they're in alphabet order so as not to show a bias to any particular nursery:

                          > Blackmoor <

                          > Chris Bowers <

                          > Deacons <

                          > Simpsons <

                          > Victoriana <

                          ......and here are the one's that I have heard about, but never used:

                          > Adams Apples <

                          > R V Roger <

                          Last edited by FB.; 10-12-2008, 06:43 PM. Reason: added extra links


                          • #14
                            wow, more info, thx folks, will check them out.


                            • #15
                              Bear in mind that different nurseries have different ideas.

                              Some sell "first year maiden whips" - they are only a single stem, often with no branches at all. You will have to prune them to shape.

                              Other nurseries sell "two year bush" - they are a year or two older than maidens, so are larger, and come with some basic pruning and side branches, to hopefully form a good branch structure shape for later years. Being a year or two older means that you can expect fruit sooner.

                              Generally, the cheapest prices that you find will be maiden whips (unbranched). The more expensive will be two or three year old young bushes (with several branches).


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