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Apple tree dilemma


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  • Apple tree dilemma

    Hi everyone,
    New member wanting some expert advise for our garden project.
    We have moved into an old cottage and have begun work on the garden. There is an established apple tree which crops reasonably well. One side of the tree was up against a large leylandi hedge which we have now removed. As a result of the hedge the apple tree has grown only on one side , the hedge side being completely bare.
    Although the tree is not really where we want it we would like to save it and get it to a more correct shape. Can we cut right back to close to the main trunk? The idea being that new growth would enable the tree to achieve a better shape rather than lopsided as it is now......Would such hard pruning kill the tree or would it achieve what we want in time?
    Also we have a smallish area to convert into a mini orchard, probably with small trees.....(dwarfing rootstock?) We would like one eater....and a plum. Suggestions for varieties please.
    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    I would advise against such hard pruning. The tree will probably survive (although it does depend somewhat on size and vigour), but the regrowth will not crop for at least 2 years, and depending on vigour, it may take longer than that (the more vigorous it is, the longer it will take to crop again).
    Instead, I would simply carry on pruning the healthy side of the tree as normal (reduce all new growth by 2/3 to 3/4 every winter), whilst leaving any new growth from the bald side unpruned for at least a couple of years. It may take a few years, but this should even the tree up eventually, and will not risk killing the tree or sacrifice your apple crop in the mean time.
    It may also be worth trying to "encourage" some of the branches growing on the edge of the good side to bend over more towards the bald side. You can use ropes to pull the branches more into position, then tie to stakes, stout pegs, or even a fence or other trees to hold them in place. Just don't tie them too tight to the branches, as you will cut off circulation (tied them behind a side branch to prevent them just slipping off), and check every winter to see if they need loosening a bit more. After 2 years the branches ought to be fixed in their new positions, and the ropes can be removed.

    As for new varieties, Victoria is always good for a plum, especially if you are only growing one, as it is a good eater and cooker.
    For eating apples, my favourite is Christmas Pippin. It's a Cox-type apple (in my opinion actually better tasting than standard Cox's Orange Pippin), but doesn't suffer from the same problems with plague the Orange Pippin (which is disease prone, low vigour, low cropping, and only so-so keeping). It's quite a late season ripener.
    If you want something a little earlier, Sunset is a good one. Another Cox-type, it ripens in late September and is heavy cropping and disease resistant.


    • #3
      Great, thanks for that, very helpful. I will certainly try what you have suggested.


      • #4
        Are the apples any good? My neighbour's overhanging apples are awful, which is annoying as they are so prolific.
        Riddlesdown (S Croydon)


        • #5
          Originally posted by DannyK View Post
          Are the apples any good? My neighbour's overhanging apples are awful, which is annoying as they are so prolific.
          They are pretty good, no idea on variety but they were perfectly edible last year. We havent been here long, first year was very dry and hot and the tree dropped most of its crop, the birds pecked the rest to bits, presumably after the moisture. Last summer we had a reasonable crop, this year it is laden.


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