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Does anyone have fruit trees in pots??


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  • #16
    Originally posted by maytreefrannie View Post
    I've heard of the "Coronet" variety as one that grows and does well in a container. Best of luck.
    Well lets hope so - although I've been a bit concerned this week with the temperature!. Stuck it in the garage to give it a bit of protection - but its out now as its a bit warmer!

    FB - thanks for the pollen info. I knew CB was late but didn't know anything about the russet. Good news that its partially fertile but there are other trees around here so i should be ok.
    Last edited by Mcbee; 09-01-2009, 07:15 AM.


    • #17
      Hi I have an apricot in a pot in the polytunnel, and one outside in the soil and the one outside looks better but we lost the fruit to frost last year so I thought inside may be better and put one in the pot; but it looks all dry now even though it has been watered any ideas?


      • #18
        We have had a small nectarine tree in a large terracotta pot (outdoors) for two years and it has done well and produced a lot of fruit. The fruit has needed a lot of thinning out - and I discovered you can't omit watering for even a day or so in the summer or the fruits will begin to split. I aim to change the top two or three inches of compost in spring.

        Yesterday I moved the tree into the greenhouse for the winter. I am concerned about damaging the non-frost proof pot - as we don't usually get any frost / ice here, like we had for several days last week!

        brrrrrrrrrr :-(
        Last edited by Seabreeze; 10-01-2009, 11:09 PM.


        • #19
          Yesterday I moved the tree into the greenhouse for the winter. I am concerned about damaging the non-frost proof pot - as we don't usually get any frost / ice here, like we had for several days last week!

          brrrrrrrrrr :-([/QUOTE]

          As an alternative you could try some bubble wrap.


          • #20
            I've been growing fruit trees in pots for years. The best thing to do is think of them as large bonsais rather than small fruit trees and prune them accordingly. There's a recently introduced variety called Herefordshire Russet and it does brilliantly in pots (as long as it's on the right rootstock - M27). I grow a dwarf broad bean (The Sutton) in the pots every other year, not only does it give me a few early beans, but the roots fix nitrogen, which in turn feeds the trees. The only drawback is that the trees can start to fruit only in alternate years if you don't keep up a rigorous regime of watering and feeding in the summer.
            Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


            • #21
              The Tes*o (no free advertising from this dog) near me was selling a lot of fruit trees for either £5 or £7 yesterday - most were about 5 feet tall and with quite a few branches/buds already in place. Looked fairly healthy as far as I could tell! I bought a conference pear and a victoria plum, both of which went into large pots last night.

              If I put the pots outside can I now tell my colleagues that I own an orchard...?

              Having one child makes you a parent, having two makes you a referee...


              • #22
                They are probably the same one's that Wilko's also sell starting in a few weeks at £5. The end of the planting season is nigh (cackle) and they flog off anything left in the larger nurseries, particularly the Dutch ones.

                I bought 6 last year - A Cox's, a Granny Smith, a peach, an apricot, a pear (to work as pollinator with my older one) a cherry and a plum. The 2 apples worked well together and I actually got some fruit in their first year, but thinned them right down to 4 fruits each so I could check that they were the varieties I was promised - they were. The peach and the apricot did grow leaves but no blossom (went in a bit late) so we'll see this year. The cherry got blossom (they said on the label it was self pollinating, it wasn't when I looked it up) but never fruited so I have added another this winter, the plum did nothing until July and then put out leaves and the pear blossomed and then appeared to die. I've left it in, it could have been transplant shocked. All in all though a very good £30 worth considering my one cherry this year cost me over £20 and a russet I added cost nearly that. I live in hopes that they will all do something this year, the apples are already well in bud after having been vigorously pruned.
                Why didn't Noah just swat those 2 greenflies?

                Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
                >If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?


                • #23
                  I have my peach tree in a large pot, it'c currently in the greenhouse wrapped in fleece.

                  Didn't get any flowers last year, but it was only year 1.



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by sarraceniac View Post
                    I bought 6 last year - A Cox's, a Granny Smith, a peach, an apricot, a pear (to work as pollinator with my older one) a cherry and a plum.
                    I know its kind of early for advanced mathematics, but that adds up to seven where I come from...

                    Having one child makes you a parent, having two makes you a referee...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by mendacious dog View Post
                      I know its kind of early for advanced mathematics, but that adds up to seven where I come from...

                      Sorry. I lied about the plum. That was the year before. Nice to see someone actually reads posts though.
                      Why didn't Noah just swat those 2 greenflies?

                      Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
                      >If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?


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