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Rhubarb from seed?


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  • Rhubarb from seed?

    After looking on the net, i found out that i can grow rhubarb from seed, just grow new seeds every year

    Has anyone tried this?, Will it work?

    Ive planted some victoria rhubarb seeds, about half inch down, in a tray 2 times now, one tray with BQ compost and one with a mix of vermiculite and perlite they just dont look right, healthy but strange shaped

    They grow to about 2 inches tall, then split open from the top down to about 1 inch from the compost and a mini rhubarb leaf and stem (about 1mm diamiter) grows out,
    looks like all is going well, then at this point the plant slowly over a few days folds, till the 1 inch stem is long the surface of the compost, and the mini rhubarb leaf and stem are pointing upwards , and still growing, is the stem suposed to fold?

    all of them did this, so i replanted in a seed tray, about an inch down, again all germinated, grew to the same hight, folded along and grew upwards with the `real` leaves

    Is this normal?, i thought they were all going to die, but they are still growing, even though very small, i would think the stem would split down to the compost and the new stems come from there?

    Does anyone have any ideas?, or know how deep i should be planting them?, i have loads of seeds so i can re-sow many times, i got about 500 seeds from ebay so have loads to try till it works
    Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....

  • #2
    I grew my rhubarb from seed. Grew them in-situ under a fleece last year. Can't help with re-potting etc but I always thought rhubarb was fairly hard to kill.


    • #3
      You dont remember how deep you planted them do you?

      I found this just now

      Proagating Rhubarb

      There seedling looks the same, but hasnt fallen over then grown upwards, do you thing it may be how deep im planting them?
      Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....


      • #4
        I planted approx 1" deep. I don't remember my plants folding over - I left them to grow and they did


        • #5
          Thanks, Its probably just me!,

          Ive never been good with seeds, ive got the hang of fruit trees, chillies and citrus nothing else goes well., the radish grown last year, had no radish, but the giant leaves tasted ok!

          Im starting to think its where im growing them, too warm, would too warm cause this?

          I will plant some more,as soon as they germinate i will put under cover outside, i have been using the propagator, 28C to germinate them, then they have been in the middle of the citrus trees with growlights, maybe too warm/light for them.
          Last edited by starloc; 10-01-2009, 05:08 PM.
          Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....


          • #6
            Eek - think the propagator is a bad idea. The heat is probably the problem.


            • #7
              I grew some beautiful plants from seed, last spring......started in pots outside on my terrace, then onto larger pots then into a little raised bed made especially for them. Did really well.... didnt eat any..just let them grow.....they have died back now but will hopefully grow again in the spring...will eat them this year...start them in the spring just like any plant...some of mine died from draught whilst still tiny and i was away for a week...but i think they are quite hardy.....


              • #8
                Ok, so I will keep the propergator for the other plants then and plant the rhubarb somewere colder, ive checked the temperature in the back room, using CFL lights not metal halide, is cold and bright light ok?

                Its only just 10C in there so that may be better? , with no heater mat?

                Could it be the lights?, not just the heat, better in cold room with a window? , or outside in coldframe?
                Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....


                • #9
                  No heating and no lights. Cheapo propagator on a windowsill would be fine


                  • #10
                    If they've germinated then I'd leave them alone. I wouldn't get too hung up on planting depths - in the wild there are no seed "pixies" that look for seed heads and then remove the seeds to plant them at the "correct" depth. If conditions are right , they'll grow - if they're not , they won't. Nature tries to keep it simple!


                    • #11
                      sow them in 4 0r 6in pots
                      trays are too shallow


                      • #12
                        Usually grow each year though I will give this year a miss as I can only deal with so many plants. I start them off with a little bit of bottom heat but then it is all outdoor growing. They usually grow to a plant big enough to plant out in the garden in Sept. Don't plant to deep or the crown will rot. crown should be level with soil surface.



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