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Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry help


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  • Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry help


    I am totally new to growing fruit and veg. I know nothing. Never done it. I'm growing in large pots about 2-3 ft across. I'm doing fruit and veg. I don't have much ground space to plant so have to use pots.

    I currently have strawberry seeds, and a blueberry and raspberry bush bought from homebase.


    1) Can all of these be grown in pots, or will the berry bushes get to big?

    2) How do I grow strawberries from seeds. Minding I have never done it, and am not familiar with a lot of terminology. Can anyone give me an idiots guide including what type of germination pots to use, how do I know when something is germinated or full germinated etc etc.

    I've searched the net and have found information, however it's not really an idiots guide and assumes you know some basics, which I don't! I think I'm just too nervous to assume I can follow the other instructions I've come across because I'm not 100% on when something is properly germinated or how long it takes. Is it germinated when it just begins to sprout or when it is a certain height? If I have a packet of seeds do I plant individual seeds or sprinkle? How much compost do I need for germination and do I cover the seeds or push them in? Those are the sort of questions that aren't answered in most how to guides.

    Any help you can give would be much appreciated. I have the Sarian F1 Hybrid strawbs.

    Also, once planted in the pot, should I cover them to protect them from bugs?

    Last edited by heidigrl43434; 10-01-2009, 10:05 PM.

  • #2
    My Raspberries, currants, Gooseberries, Tayberry, Cranberries, and Blueberries are all in pots. I think the key to keeping them healthy is feeding and never letting them dry out(so far they haven't out grown the pots). You are best getting a few more Blueberries - they crop better if they are with other varieties of Blueberry bushes (don't know why). As for Strawbs - I'm about to start growing them this year - I'll follow the instructions on the packet and hope for the best.

    PS Just re-read your post and your query about strawbs. I have 2 mini propagators (not heated, cheapie ones), I fill with compost and dampen, leave for a couple of hours. Sprinkle the seeds on top op the damp compost. Cover with a fine dusting of compost. Dampen top layer of compost (I use a plant spray). Put lid on propagator. Remove any condensation from lid of propagator over the next few days and keep compost moist but not wet. Seeds germinate when they have sprouted. Leave strawbs until you can handle them at least 1 - 2" (using leaves, not stem). Transplant single plants into 2" pots. Leave to grow, then transplant into final growing place when plant roots are showing at the bottom of the pot. Slugs are the worst for pests, plants need to covered to protect the strawbs from birds - I will use netting. My strawbs will be grown in the flower pots from Morrisons, with a ring of vaseline around the posts to try and deter slugs. Hope that ramble makes sense!
    Last edited by FROSTYFRECKLE; 11-01-2009, 09:41 AM.


    • #3
      Hi, Heidi. Are you sure that you bought a 'raspberry bush'? Quite often what you've bought is 10 canes together, in which case you've 10 raspberry bushes and they'll need to be separated before you plant them. (I made this mistake when I started out and what I thought was 2 bushes ended up being 20 very dead ones)
      Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


      • #4
        Originally posted by heidigrl43434 View Post
        Is it germinated when it just begins to sprout..? If I have a packet of seeds do I plant individual seeds or sprinkle? How much compost do I need for germination and do I cover the seeds or push them in?

        I googled Sarian and got this from Thompson & Morgan: "Sow January to April. Germinate at 20-25C (68-77F) on the surface of a good free draining, damp seed compost. Do not cover the seed. Place in a propagator or seal container inside a polythene bag until after germination which usually takes 14-21 days. Do not exclude light, as this helps germination."

        Does this help? Sowing Seeds
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #5
          The important thing is light and temperature.
          If you can't provide these, then wait until March or April.
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            Originally posted by FROSTYFRECKLE View Post
            My Raspberries, currants, Gooseberries, Tayberry, Cranberries, and Blueberries are all in pots.
            Hi frostyfreckle
            Can I ask what size pots your raspberry canes are in, how deep pots are and how many canes to a pot.....oh and are they autumn raspberries? Thanks

            I have just purchased 10 raspberry canes (actually got 13 hope its not unlucky ) a blackberry bush and two blueberry plants. I aim to grow my autumn bliss in pots, as some sites say you can. I have had conflicting advice on size of pots from the garden centres, one said 12-18" pot and same depth with three canes T&M said 60cm pot (24" pot approx) without mentioning depth?


            • #7
              Firstly, you're on the right track by asking questions!
              Growing is hit n miss, some things work, others don't. Keep trying.

              Talk about it to people around you, you may be surprised at closet gardeners who will give you some spare plants (we all love to show off to newbies!)
              Particularly strawbs... grow from seed by all means but try and source a rooted runner as well, it'll save time.

              Blueberries are great in pots as you can ensure the soil is acidic, 2-3 ft should be fine in the short term. Keep watered.

              Rasps are best planted out. Put 1-2 ft between canes as they spread fast!


              • #8
                sclarke624 - all of my fruit are in the flower pots bought out of Morrisons etc.(8 pots for 99p) Approx 12" deep x 10" across (might be slighter larger - I'm inside, the pots are outside) 1 rasp cane to each pot - rasps are both summer and autumn fruiting. Strawbs will be going into the same size pots, 1 plant per pot. I grow lots in these pots - raised beds are allocated to other things. Seen on a different thread you can grow Sweetcorn, toms, chillis, peppers etc in these pots.
                Last edited by FROSTYFRECKLE; 13-01-2009, 08:54 PM.


                • #9
                  Thanks fro that Bayview.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for that Frosty, I have some 12" pots so half way there won't have to buy as many. Noted one cane per pot. I've got loads of strawberries as well started with six three years ago now have gawd knows how many about 60 I reckon. Grow my strawbs in troughs approx 3ft long and 6" deep. OH built me a sort of table to put them all on like a picnic bench without the seats. Works well. Had to give loads of strawbs away as well. I already do toms and peppers in pots but sweetcorn that sounds very interesting.
                    Thanks again, for telling me exactly what I wanted to know.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by FROSTYFRECKLE View Post
                      sclarke624 - all of my fruit are in the flower pots bought out of Morrisons etc.(8 pots for 99p) Approx 12" deep x 10" across (might be slighter larger - I'm inside, the pots are outside) 1 rasp cane to each pot - rasps are both summer and autumn fruiting. Strawbs will be going into the same size pots, 1 plant per pot. I grow lots in these pots - raised beds are allocated to other things. Seen on a different thread you can grow Sweetcorn, toms, chillis, peppers etc in these pots.
                      Actually if you catch them right, Morrison's pots (ex flower vases, don't forget to drill holes in the bottom for drainage) are even cheaper. I went there yesterday and saw several piles of 32 with tape on saying '8 for 99p' When I got to the till expecting �3.96 it rang up 99p. Being the honest type I pointed this out. 'No' said the till lady 'it just depends how many we have we just bundle them up and sell them at 99p a bundle'. Minimum 8 maximum 32. So I caught it right.
                      Why didn't Noah just swat those 2 greenflies?

                      Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
                      >If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by FROSTYFRECKLE View Post
                        My Raspberries, currants, Gooseberries, Tayberry, Cranberries, and Blueberries are all in pots.
                        I never realised you could grow Raspberries in pots! I've been wanting them, but thought they would have to be planted in the ground (might be moving house later in the year see), think I might try them in pots!


                        • #13
                          Me neither until I saw two garden centres saying you can grow Autmn bliss in pots as they don't need much support. One was T&M and the other was Victoriana nursery gardens. Don't know about any other raspberries makes! though. But I know John innes no 3 is mentioned for more stability as it is heavier compost to stop pots falling over. Should have done that with my cape gooseberries methinks.


                          • #14
                            sarraceniac - didn't know that about the pots. Everytime I've been at Morrisons lately there have no pots - I'm getting desperate - where will my onions and the potatoes grown from seeds go? I've also bought 4 blueberry and 2 rasps from Poundland - couldn't resist. Oh and I've got my Oca to go in. Does anyone know the manager from Morrisons (Kilmarnock) think I'll need to grovel to the manager and get first dibs on the pots. Yes, really important don't forget to put drainage holes in - did forget last year with a couple of pots and kept on wondering why they flooded!
                            Last edited by FROSTYFRECKLE; 14-01-2009, 03:32 PM.


                            • #15
                              I bought 'Joan J' raspberry canes from QVC last year as the gardener on there said they were ideal to grow in pots. I potted them up and we had loads of large juicy fruit all summer.
                              Does anyone know of a blackberry variety which doesn't mind being in a pot?


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