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  • Pomegranate

    Hands up anyone who's grown them, succesfully or otherwise?
    I know they originate from Afghanistan, and having spent plenty time there I know its staggeringly hot in summer and equally cold in winter.

    Any tips (apart from don't) happily received. Going to give them a go this summer I think.
    Bob Leponge
    Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.

  • #2
    Have you 'd to see if any of the garden centres in your area sell the trees? Might give you an idea of whether its possible - cos if it is I bet it'll have been done before.
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wild flower


    • #3
      i got one from woolworths last year and planted iit in the allotment . Up to last week it was alive and turned from a twig in the ground to a 1' high bush but i don't expect fruit for at least 3 more years.
      ---) CARL (----

      a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!

      now in blog form ! UPDATED 15/4/09


      • #4
        i bought one in Woolies too....(sob, sob, poor woollies)
        and brought it here - it grew ok last year ...i've fleeced it and am waiting to see if it pops up again.......give me a couple of months.....


        • #5
          T&M were selling them via QVC last year as patio plants. They will fruit eventually but teeny tiny fruits apparently.
          If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing to excess


          • #6
            Originally posted by bobleponge View Post
            Hands up anyone who's grown them, succesfully or otherwise?
            I know they originate from Afghanistan, and having spent plenty time there I know its staggeringly hot in summer and equally cold in winter.

            Any tips (apart from don't) happily received. Going to give them a go this summer I think.


            yes i have grown the pommie from seed to small bushy plant, the pommie plant is deciduous ( sheds leaves) i started of the seeds indoors and germinated around 12, i culled the rest and kept 4 of them, two dies because of frost and the other two are in the second season now indoors and loving it...


            • #7


              • #8


                • #9
                  Thanks for all the replies, really helpful. Cheers for the great pix Muslimgrower, thats what I shall be having soon then.

                  SBP I tried but its all written funny??
                  Bob Leponge
                  Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                  • #10
                    I've got one in the garden and it fruited this year for the first time, small fruits but very nice, young bush inherited with the house 4 years ago today!!!

                    And several neighbours have gopt very mature bushes/trees, one of which we raid every autumn for the fruit.

                    Try Jardiland, they sell them or, they call them grendines over here if you're really really struggling.
                    TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                    • #11
                      Thanks for that, I did actually cheat and look it up, I'd never seen them before at home, so had never had occasion to use the word.
                      I have a great garden centre near me so will pop there and have a look, but I think I will try and grow from seed like MuslimGrower has done.
                      Bob Leponge
                      Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                      • #12
                        I had this link for figs but just noticed it has some pomegranate varieties as well as something called jujubier's?

                        P�pini�res Baud. Une sp�cialit�, le figuier. Notre catalogue de grenadiers.
                        To see a world in a grain of sand
                        And a heaven in a wild flower


                        • #13
                          i love pomegranates but why has no one invented seedless ones yet, i hate the seeds


                          • #14
                            I agree lynda66, but hey without those seeds no seedlings
                            Well I'm hoping my seeds will become seedlings. Sorry no help with hints or tips bobleponge as I am firmly sitting on my hands but good luck.
                            Mostly Tomato Mania Blog


                            • #15
                              Thanks all.
                              Have sourced a pomegranate so will have 1 or 2 seeds, (which I will send to you Lynda) and will try and get a few growing.
                              Bob Leponge
                              Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


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