My young peach tree, now 3 ft tall in a pot, has been overwintered in the greenhouse and has now got green leaves expanding. It is too young for flowers this year. The problem I've got is that I really need its spot in the greenhouse for other plants, and googling peach leaf curl throws up conflicting advice. The RHS says it should be protected from rain until May , other sites say for the winter months, others say up to early spring (when's that?). I have to say I thought the problem time was over once the leaves started to expand, but after keeping it in all winter I don't want to evict it too soon.
Has anyone got actual experience of when it is safe to bring the tree outside? It would be a bit difficult to protect it where it would need to stand.
Has anyone got actual experience of when it is safe to bring the tree outside? It would be a bit difficult to protect it where it would need to stand.