I am carrying out a little experiment: Blueberries from seed! I already grow several varieties of blueberry and enjoy eating the little beauties: now its time to expand the collection! So a bit of a longterm project is called for: a handful of tasty Tescos finest Chilean origin, Birgitta variety blueberries have been deseeded (very fiddly, a suprising amount of tiny seeds in each blueberry), the seeds have been cleaned with a papertowel and the seeds planted in peat based seedling compost, misted with water and sealed in a clear plastic bag. They are now outside the back door getting used to life in Oxford and increasing their chilled hours to break dormancy before being brought back inside to a sunny windowsill to see if they sprout. I will monitor to see how many seedlings I get....
Yes I know cuttings would be easier, and blueberry cuttings take nicely, but its an experiment.... plus in one sowing I might get dozens of plants to munch from (albeit in about 5 years time.....). And I was bored and it was better than watching Eastenders
Any thoughts?
Yes I know cuttings would be easier, and blueberry cuttings take nicely, but its an experiment.... plus in one sowing I might get dozens of plants to munch from (albeit in about 5 years time.....). And I was bored and it was better than watching Eastenders

Any thoughts?