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raspberry canes


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  • #46
    Hi Katherine
    Just so as you know what to expect, Glen Moy is a summer fruiting variety.

    British by birth
    Scottish by the Grace of God


    • #47
      Oh well I'll have more to look forward to next year. I will just have to purchase an autumn fruiting as well for this year. Thanks so much


      • #48
        Originally posted by nick the grief
        Hi Jay, welcome to the vine. Love the Avtar is that what you look like

        Anyway, your raspberries, it could be that the leaves have been damaged in someway either the cold that we had a week or so ago or maybe a combination of wind & sun. We've had a mild winter comparativly this year and any early growth could have been checked by cold snap that happened recently & it may be this. I would just keep your eye on it for now and I'm sure this won't hurt anything in the long run.
        Hi ntg,
        Thanks for your welcome reply, ummm as for the avatar, umm ........ >>>

        as for the raspberry canes, uh well, I did check them again and no sign of life, but I will be patient. Would a lump of garden muck help give them a boost? I have quite a lot of 'black gold' as its been cooking all winter, wondered if a dollop of this would give them a boost right about now?


        • #49
          Jay I have two beds of raspberries. One is doing great and the other looks as dead as a door post so I am blaming the cold weather. Just hope it warms up soon.


          • #50
            ditto LJ. I have 12 canes altogether, 8 in one patch and 4 in another. the 8 cane patch has 7 with leaves, looking good, while the 4 cane patch has only 1 with leaves... both patches are in a similar position, close to a heat-retaining wall.


            • #51
              My free GYO raspberries are looking fine now, growing in a large tub.
              Attached Files
              Into every life a little rain must fall.


              • #52
                my slow ones are starting to think about getting into gear... but they seem miles behind the others.


                • #53
                  Does anyone know where the best place to plant Raspberry canes is???

                  I have bought some & wondered if there were vegies that could not be grown next to Raspberries. I also have a large amount of blackberries but the soil has not yet been cultivated in this area. So they will not be going there.

                  I thought of planting them at the back of one of the 4 crop rotation beds with a mini path in between. Is this OK??? Any advice is welcome.
                  Nature Girl


                  • #54
                    Phoey & fudge are the f words used in our house now especially since my 3 year old dropped a 'b*gger' at nursery one day!! (cringe!!) My raspberry canes came courtesy of Focus - I just put them in a trough with compost- they have some leaves on them and stand about 12" - was I supposed to cut the back or am I likely to get lucky - with raspberries that is!
                    Last edited by Sunbeam; 04-05-2006, 10:25 PM.
                    How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


                    • #55
                      Most of the Glen variety e.g. Glen Moy, Glen Ample, Glen Rosa, Glen Hoddle are summer varieties. New canes can suffer from leaf wilt due to temeperature change, heat damage and lack of water as they have shallow roots - so never hoe around canes, always hand weed. Most Glen's now come on a the wood that will fruit that year and you only cut them down at the end of the season, autumn varieties fruit on the wood produced in spring. Summer will also produce new canes during the summer, do not cut these down as this is next years crop.
                      Best wishes
                      Harbinger of Rhubarb tales


                      • #56
                        You should all consider yourselves very luck. Having ordered my raspberry canes last October I waited patiently for them to arrive. When I saw Fiona's original post and Neil Martin's response I did as instructed and e-mailed him. Again, I waited patiently but received no response. I e-mailed him again and finally received a rather curt response saying they had none left!! Quality customer service.


                        • #57
                          Dear Yorkie

                          I am very sorry to hear that you never received your free raspberry canes. With all enquiries I apologised and offered a full refund. I am sorry if you took this to be a curt response.

                          In mitigation I am not responsible for the reader offers, but as a lot of GYO readers see me as a first point of contact I try and deal with a situation which is not officially part of my brief. And as I represent the magazine and would rather not 'pass the buck' to another department, I have dealt with the situation.

                          I hope you have received your refund. If not please let me know and I will arrange one. In the meantime if you let me have your address details I will arrange for some free seeds to be sent to you as a further apology. Please respond to my email address below.

                          Kind regards
                          Neil Martin


                          • #58
                            First flowers on my free 'All Gold' GYO raspberries. They're looking good hope I get some fruit this year.
                            Attached Files
                            Into every life a little rain must fall.


                            • #59
                              I ate my first 2 ripe fruits from the free autumn raspberries yesterday. They were delicious!

                              I was a bit surprised that they ripened so early. Beginners luck I suppose!



                              • #60
                                Blimey Janet that was quick- Autumn raspberries in Summer! I've got some more flowers on mine with just the beginnings of what looks like fruit but nothing anywhere near edible! Jealous!
                                Into every life a little rain must fall.


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