Hello - any arborial aces out there?
We have a mature apricot tree on our vineyard in Slovenia that has split down the fork of the trunk about a quarter of the way down, one branch is now bending own towards the ground. Is there a way of repairing it or is the tree doomed? We'll be most upset if it can't be saved as it's our only apricot. Also our mature walnut treee has brown splotched leaves - is there a cure for that? Any advice re the trees gratefully received as we have only recently bought in Slovenia so can't yet speak enough Slovene to ask our neighbours for advice. Many thanks
We have a mature apricot tree on our vineyard in Slovenia that has split down the fork of the trunk about a quarter of the way down, one branch is now bending own towards the ground. Is there a way of repairing it or is the tree doomed? We'll be most upset if it can't be saved as it's our only apricot. Also our mature walnut treee has brown splotched leaves - is there a cure for that? Any advice re the trees gratefully received as we have only recently bought in Slovenia so can't yet speak enough Slovene to ask our neighbours for advice. Many thanks
