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Lime tree


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  • Lime tree

    I have a lime tree which was bought back from Florida as a small plant.
    It is now approx 3ft high and growing well in a pot in my conservatory. When will it fruit , do I need to do anything to encourage it? thanks
    A Bientot

  • #2
    Don't know much about lime trees but would have thought it would be treated like a lemon tree.

    And when your back stops aching,
    And your hands begin to harden.
    You will find yourself a partner,
    In the glory of the garden.

    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


    • #3
      They had some dwarf lemon, lime and orange tees in Wyevale today at half price, at £12.50, was interested but it said they had to be kept indoors on a windowsill or inside a conservatory, and I havent got a conservatory or any windowsill room left! It didnt say anything special about keeping them, so I'd not say anything more than basic care, no idea if they need to be pollinated, perhaps someone else on here may have some more info or perhaps there may be some info at the local library?
      Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

      'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

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      On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


      • #4
        I have a Lemon tree which gave me my first ever ripe Lemon this year. I keep it outdoors through the Summer and bring it in over winter. It has 3 lemons on it at the moment which look like they'll ripen too. It's about 2 ft high.
        Care of all Citrus is the same but you've picked the most difficult of all 3 for UK growing.
        Basic rules are keep the roots pretty tightly contained. Water with rainwater if possible and give it a good soak. Let it dry out before watering again and make sure it drains well. Spray the leaves with rain water from time to time if it's rather dry weather or when indoors. Prune in Autumn , repot in spring.They produce flowers and fruit continuously so your tree can have fruit at all different sizes and stages and flowers at the same time. which is just as well because they take ages from flower to ripe fruit!


        • #5
          You should have seen some fruit by now. Sounds like the pot is too big. If the roots are able to spread out rather than keeping a tight root ball all they do is produce leaf and don't flower. Youcantake it out and carefully prune back the roots but personally I'd be nervous about trying that. I'd go for pruning the branches instead. I keep mine at 5 main branches only which seems to work.


          • #6
            Thanks guys. Pickledtink you may be right my pot is quite big. No flowers even yet so i may have to prune and hope.
            A Bientot


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