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Goji Berry


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  • #16
    I grew mine from berries that I saved from a packet. I just put some berries around a pot of compost covered with plastic bag put on the window sill and then forgot about it. Several weeks later I discovered I had a small forest of plants.

    They are now a few months old and up to a foot tall, but mostly about six inches. I would like more infomation. There have been treads going back a couple of years, how are they getting on?

    Do they get blight, do they mind getting damp outside. Do you prick out the growing point to get them to bush out. Any info please.


    • #17
      Going to attempt to start training mine to a tellis at weekend, has developed some new growth and already started to get taller so hopefully my plan will work.


      • #18
        Ive just had a plant delivered today....well its more of a 2 inch hard wood stem sticking out of a 1L pot with one floppy 6 inch branch hanging over the side of the pot , looks a bit.....
        Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....


        • #19
          I had that from a Raspberry I once bought form ebay, oh and the land cress, mnt plants... Not bought anything from ebay since, small acorns though! or whatever the saying is, it might look a bit pony at the moment but it may well change.


          • #20
            Goji berries are also very easy to root from cuttings I took 8 only about 3 weeks ago and they have all rooted and in individual pots now. Had mine since last year but like everyone else no fruit yet, not even a sign of a flower.



            • #21
              I grew my Goji berries from seed from Julian Graves. All 30 seeds germinated! I have 30 Goji plants that i have to find homes for. They have been very slow to grow, I sowed them in March and 3 months later they are only 10 inches tall. They have all hardened off very well, and are coping with being outside, with the changeable northern weather! However, the snails love them, and they make short work of the chunky leaves. I will provide a goji diary for the progress of the plants.

              This thread is very interesting, has anyone got older goji plants that have fruited yet?

              Take care


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