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raspberry canes ..dead?


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  • raspberry canes ..dead?

    I bought some Autumn Fruiting raspberry canes from Dobies , which were delivered very Early May. I heeled them in that day and planted them properly about 4 days later.

    They are 5 bare sticks still.

    Should I just leave them and hope they spring up next year or have they ceased to be?

    I am thinking of planting betwwen them as I need the space.

  • #2
    they sound deceased. Did you puddle them in well?

    I did the same, and mine are small, but full of leaf.
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      They had loads of water and I've been watering them since, I reckoned there was something not quite right!

      Thanks for the prompt reply btw
      Last edited by hamsterqueen; 09-06-2009, 09:09 AM.


      • #4
        I expect they dried out before you received them then. Take photos and write to Dobies
        Last edited by Two_Sheds; 09-06-2009, 09:07 AM.
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #5
          I have e-mailed Dobies to ask advice...

          What is it about me and fruit growing!


          • #6
            I hadn;t thought of photographs, great idea, thank you!


            • #7
              We have had the same problem with our canes - the Glen Prosen variety.

              I followed instructions to the letter and the Polkas that went in with them have all produced shoots.

              I took out some of the most dead looking ones a month or so ago but some of the ones I left in started to show shoots and buds within the last 2 weeks.

              That said, the perfomance of all the raspberries so far has been disappointing, given that they are on very fertile soil and in full sun.

              We contacted our supplier and got replacement canes.
              Vegetable Rights And Peace!


              • #8
                I e-mailed Dobies yesterday and they replied this morning, are sending me new canes when they start dispatching in November. I was very impressed with their service.


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