Can I grow Grapefruit? If so how do I go about doing this and with the seeds would I just use normal Grapefruit seeds?
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I doubt you will have much success. But have a go, you might make your fortune. Look at the prices this guy charges: Welcome to David's Exotic Plants UK Grapefruit Page!All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Grapefruit plants grow easily from seed, but are just about the longest of all citrus to fruit, and they get very very big, 20 to 30 years is often the wait before they fruit and 35 foot high....seed grown they will never grow large enough in a pot and left outside they generaly will die or grow to slowly to ever fruit
theres loads of info on this site here
Home Citrus Growers
You can buy the grafted trees easily enough, and you can get fruit with no real problems from them in this country, better in a greenhouse though
theres a few places doing cheapish ones on ebay from �19 to �50 , the farmers whip ones are usualy quite good to get, usualy need to do a bit of growing to get a decent sized top on them, but thats why there cheaper, you usualy get fruit on them the year of buying them, i got 2 grapefruits last year on a farmers whip from ebay
theres the moe expensive ones as well, usualy grown on for a few years past the `farmers whip` ones , trees are usualy a bit better branched when you get them,
as well as davids exotic plants link above , theres these ones as well
Grapefruit Trees from Global Orange Groves UK - The Choice For A Citrus Tree In The UK
This one is a seed grown bonsai tree one, its suposed to be 15 years old, but because it was pruned it will never flower/fruit, i bought it on ebay, seed grown ones can look good, just they wont fruit ( the pictures a bit of a wierd shape, as its linked from my website, it seems to look strange as its too big for `on here` in width )
Last edited by starloc; 10-06-2009, 08:36 PM.Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....
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