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cherry trees -fruit dropping before ripe


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  • cherry trees -fruit dropping before ripe

    I have 2 minarette cherrytrees - 2 years old . both this year and last the fruit dropped off before I could pick it . Any ideas. Both trees also badly hit by aphids, which I sprayed. Can anyone solve this for me.

  • #2
    We have a Stella cherry tree in the garden, and despite a 'good set' lots of the fruits are dropping off. The June drop.

    Are your trees in pots, or in the garden, If they are in pots it might be insufficient watering. If conditions are too dry with plants in pots, it will cause the tree to abort the fruit.

    Black fly is the bane of the cherry tree. It attacks the young growing tips, and makes them look unsightly. Usually at this time of year the blue/great tits clear the problem, but it is a bit severe this year, despite the cold Winter.

    We don't like to spray insecticides on anything we eat, and it the birds don't see it off shortly, it will get a blast with the pressure washer.



    • #3
      My two year Stella dropped all the fruit this year.
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      • #4
        My Stella (7 years old) dropped some but most stayed on. Picked about 3 kilos of fruit fro them (before the birds). Last year was terrible and only had about 6 cherries. I've been told (but this might be a myth) that they only really give once every two years.


        • #5
          I've got quite a lot of fruit drop from 2 different cherry trees- some almost ripe too...think it's worse this year than last.
          Mine are planted in the ground- and very established too
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