Just checked over my strawberries this weekend as they were looking pretty sorry for themselves and the plants just came away in my hand....closer inspection revealed that the pot (they are in one of those big strawberry planters) was full of vine weevil larvae. I have lost the lot
So....I will have to start over next year by the looks of things, but what can I do to prevent a recurrance? I have to keep them in pots as we simply dont have space in the garden to plant any out. Has anyone tried the nematode control, does it work? Also I have a vague remembering that you can buy compost that contains something to kill the vine weevil.... anything else I could try?
Most disappointed as the majority of the plants were new this year....but determined to get rid of the little blighters next year!!!

Most disappointed as the majority of the plants were new this year....but determined to get rid of the little blighters next year!!!