In the garden I've got a planter with 6 strawberry plants (well, 5 actually, one never grew after planting out and seems totally dead now) which gave up a little bit of fruit this summer (most of which were stolen by the local birdies).
Some advice I saw was to harvest from them for 3 years then "scalp" them.
Does that just mean to cut the greenery off? Is that meant to achieve anything other than killing it?
Some other advice I saw was to cut the leaves off around now but that doesn't sound right to me somehow.
I'm somewhat at a loss.
What should I be doing with the things?
Some advice I saw was to harvest from them for 3 years then "scalp" them.
Does that just mean to cut the greenery off? Is that meant to achieve anything other than killing it?
Some other advice I saw was to cut the leaves off around now but that doesn't sound right to me somehow.
I'm somewhat at a loss.
What should I be doing with the things?