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cheap site - but is it any good?


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  • cheap site - but is it any good?

    Plants and More Direct | Fruit Trees and Hedging | Free Delivery over �39.99

    I want to buy some fruit bushes and canes for my new allotment. This site looks very good for price but as a total beginner I am wary as I have no idea which sites might be good or bad

    Has anyone used this company? Any feedback would be most welcome - good or bad
    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    myself and a friend of mine have used Blackmoor Fruit Nursery - Large selection Of Quality Fruit Trees which is blackmoor nurseries and they are cheap but excellent quality plants but they only do fruit and rhubarb from these i ordered 60 strawberry plants 20 rasbery 4 blueberry and 2 gojiberry, only a couple of the rasberry plants didnt take but they sent me 2 extra anyway so no loss. delivery was quick and reasonable priced too, ive had to give up my allotment due to health reasons so im about to put some strawberry runners and veg seeds on ebay, this is also a place to check, if you want a tree to fruit quickly buy a 4 year old tree rather than a maiden for this local garden centres are better, and 2-3 year current bushes. wheres your location if your anywhere near nottinghamshire reg taylors are good for trees, pm me if you need anymore help as i mainly grow fruit. percy charlie


    • #3
      A Fab place to buy things is at the local car boot too - I got some bargain strawberries and a beautiful rhubarb crown.

      Ebay is good too, but the disadvantage is you cant see the product.

      Good luck on your allotment!


      • #4
        Originally posted by northepaul View Post
        A Fab place to buy things is at the local car boot too - I got some bargain strawberries and a beautiful rhubarb crown.

        Ebay is good too, but the disadvantage is you cant see the product.

        Good luck on your allotment!
        I bought my first strawberries from a car boot years ago Paul. They were only 50p each but unfortunately they were horrible. Then I bought some Cambridges from Garfy's Garden who trades on eBay. Despite the fact that I couldn't see them they were wonderful and I have since bought a sweet cherry tree, a quince tree and am currently awaiting delivery on a Morello, which will be shipped after this weekend, from the same supplier, all good and reasonably priced. I think the secret is that when you find a good supplier then you should stick with them. Unfortunately you don't always get lucky first time. I bought some alpine strawbs on eBay and when they came (slowly) the order was short and the plants were not in good nick. So once bitten by a supplier......But most suppliers on eBay are fine. Too scared of bad feedback and reputation.
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