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Grapevine advice


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  • Grapevine advice

    Hi all, I had an outdoor vine in a large pot and was hoping to take cuttings this year. Sorry can't think of the variety? I thought winter was the time to prune and take cuttingsy so I went outside to take a look earlier in the week and something has pulled it out of the pot and its all ripped up It produced grapes too this year! Extremely small ones but still they were there!

    To cut a long story short, I think vines are beautiful plants, and want to have another go next year. Any advice on best outdoor variety? Needs to be in a pot as the bit ofmy garden that gets the sun is a masive concrete bit (inherited from previous owner) also any advice re cuttings are they easy to do?
    Many thanks to all

  • #2
    Hi Dona, I've found this site you might find helpful with regard to an outside grape variety, have a look and see what you think. Good luck.

    Sculptural Plants


    • #3
      My garden sounds a bit like yours ie large patio area. We lifted a small area and planted the vine under it. The vine has flourished and produces well. I don't know it's name cos it came from a boot sale.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Brengirl View Post
        My garden sounds a bit like yours ie large patio area. We lifted a small area and planted the vine under it. The vine has flourished and produces well. I don't know it's name cos it came from a boot sale.
        Unfortunately our concrete is a solid large area, not slabs so it will be difficult to lift, hence the pot. It was originally a large kennel the previuos owners built, and the concrete was the floor.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ginger ninger View Post
          Hi Dona, I've found this site you might find helpful with regard to an outside grape variety, have a look and see what you think. Good luck.

          Sculptural Plants
          Thanks will have alook, all advice welcme


          • #6
            I have 2 outdoor grape vines and have had fruit from them for the last few years. My black grape (Black Hamburgh) fruited in its second year and has had a few cutting taken successfully from it. My green grape (Muscat of Alexandria) has only had very small grapes on it and it fruited first in its fourth year. The cutting have been most successful from my green grape and have needed little care. I just took some small cuttings in autumn and put them in sandy compost and kept them damp until they rooted (in mid to late spring) I potted them on and when they had established I gave them away.
            I have also done all my pruning in winter when the vines are dormant, I was always lead to believe that if you pruned them in the summer they could bleed to death.
            I think you would be able to take plenty of cuttings fron yours now and they should be rooted by the time summer comes but they would take a couple of years to fruit.


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