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Cranberry bushes


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  • Cranberry bushes

    Hi there,
    I would like to get a cranberry bush for my front garden, as I have a reasonable sized gap, acidic soil and use cranberries in some guise or other, all the time.
    My question is, do they need full sunshine or would they be ok in a quite shady area? (Front garden is north facing)

  • #2
    Growing your own: How to grow your own fruit bushes | Life and style | The Observer - this is quite a good little article. I grew cranberries years ago when I had a boggy part of ground next to a pond and found them fairly easy.


    • #3
      Cranberries are bog plants, so like a bit of water and a good hard prune.

      Very easy to grow and taste far better than the tart ones they sell at Christmas.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Tam View Post
        Growing your own: How to grow your own fruit bushes | Life and style | The Observer - this is quite a good little article. I grew cranberries years ago when I had a boggy part of ground next to a pond and found them fairly easy.
        Originally posted by WrexTheDragon View Post
        Cranberries are bog plants, so like a bit of water and a good hard prune.

        Very easy to grow and taste far better than the tart ones they sell at Christmas.
        Thanks, for both posts guys, boggy no problem Wrex, and hard pruning my forte

        I am just a little concerned because it or they wont get much direct sunshine and I cant find any info on whether this would be a problem.
        I think I may try one out and see if it thrives or not.



        • #5
          Full sun is best, but mine grow against a south facing wall and gets the sun from about 10:00 in the summer.


          • #6
            I think mine had to much full sun.
            It's a twig sticking out of the ground at the moment- having lost all it's leaves at the end of summer- and no fruit.
            I've left it be to see what surprises Nature has up her sleeve , but it's really not looking promising. I think mulching a lot more was in order!
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #7
              Great tip's chap's I have just bought a cranberry bush being inspired by some lovely homemade cranberry sauce I managed to snaffle this Christmas ... hope to make my own so wish me luck . Gonna take a while for us to thaw out in Yorkshire though.


              • #8
                Thanks again for all the advice, guys

                I am going to give one a go when we have thawed out here


                • #9
                  Had mine a couple of years but not got any fruit off it yet

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