Have to say I'm really quite shocked to find a totally neglected baby gooseberry bush has survived the winter!!!!
We brought back some plants from the lottie at the beginning of November.I discovered a few young gooseberry bushes in a bucket of frozen water when the January snow had melted
( shamefully forgotten about!)- So...as I thought the frost would have killed them ,I put them on top of the incinerator when the icecube had melted.
Then we had snow again last week, followed by -14C for a couple of nights.
Earlier on in the week I noticed that the wind had blown one of the 'twigs' off the incinerator, so I thought- what the heck ( as you do) and brought it inside and plonked it into a jug of water on the window sill- still expecting nothing to happen.
Well guess what folks??? YUP!! one of the 4 stems has has a couple of leaf buds which have started to open up!!!!!
So -there's me been saying that gooseberry bushes hate being transplanted, and move with as much soil as poss- and there I am with a twig with dried up roots having been frozen in an icecube and left out with exposed roots to such an extreme temperature for 12 weeks - and it's still alive!!!!
Dead chuffed! ( maybe I should bring in the other couple of 'dead twigs' and see how they do??!!!!)
We brought back some plants from the lottie at the beginning of November.I discovered a few young gooseberry bushes in a bucket of frozen water when the January snow had melted

Then we had snow again last week, followed by -14C for a couple of nights.
Earlier on in the week I noticed that the wind had blown one of the 'twigs' off the incinerator, so I thought- what the heck ( as you do) and brought it inside and plonked it into a jug of water on the window sill- still expecting nothing to happen.
Well guess what folks??? YUP!! one of the 4 stems has has a couple of leaf buds which have started to open up!!!!!

So -there's me been saying that gooseberry bushes hate being transplanted, and move with as much soil as poss- and there I am with a twig with dried up roots having been frozen in an icecube and left out with exposed roots to such an extreme temperature for 12 weeks - and it's still alive!!!!
Dead chuffed! ( maybe I should bring in the other couple of 'dead twigs' and see how they do??!!!!)
