So, completely by accident (and if you believe that I'll tell you a bigger one!) I've ended up buying a load of fruit things from Lidl. I don't know what the proper term is, but they look like sticks with a bag around one end. Canes? Bushes? Plants? Anyway, you know what I mean, don't you. 
Now the reality that I really don't have a clue what I'm doing has set in!
Here's the list of what I've got:
Raspberry "Malling Promise" (x2)
Blackberry "Black Satin" (x1)
Redcurrant "Jonkheer van Tets" (x1)
Blueberry "Patriot" (x2)
Gooseberry "Hinnonmaki Gul" (x2) (a.k.a. Hinnonmaki Yellow)
I've done some googling, some searching, a bit of poking around, and while I know the idea is to soak the roots in water for a couple of hours before planting them, beyond that I'm not sure what to do.
I know they need different kinds of soil, and most of them seem to need the soil preparing ahead of time but I don't know what kind of soil I have, nor have I prepared anything.
I'm currently trying to figure out whether or not I should put them in pots for the time being. I've still not finished sorting my plot out so the place I'd like to put them is still kinda covered with the remains of a manure heap, loads of stones and a few weeds, so I can't put them in there and I'm not likely to be able to for some time yet.
Are any/all of those varieties suitable for growing in pots? I've got a bag of B&Q organic compost and not a whole lot else - will that do for the pots or do any of them need something else?
If I do put them in pots, how big should the pots be for the first year?
Finally, once all that's sorted, if anyone has any advice about what to do to them in this first year to get a healthy plant - whether it's pruning, cropping/not cropping and so on - that would be appreciated too.
I've looked all this up in the books I've got on hand but none really answer it clearly... or at least, not in a way I've been able to understand easily.
Cheers folks.

Now the reality that I really don't have a clue what I'm doing has set in!
Here's the list of what I've got:
Raspberry "Malling Promise" (x2)
Blackberry "Black Satin" (x1)
Redcurrant "Jonkheer van Tets" (x1)
Blueberry "Patriot" (x2)
Gooseberry "Hinnonmaki Gul" (x2) (a.k.a. Hinnonmaki Yellow)
I've done some googling, some searching, a bit of poking around, and while I know the idea is to soak the roots in water for a couple of hours before planting them, beyond that I'm not sure what to do.
I know they need different kinds of soil, and most of them seem to need the soil preparing ahead of time but I don't know what kind of soil I have, nor have I prepared anything.
I'm currently trying to figure out whether or not I should put them in pots for the time being. I've still not finished sorting my plot out so the place I'd like to put them is still kinda covered with the remains of a manure heap, loads of stones and a few weeds, so I can't put them in there and I'm not likely to be able to for some time yet.
Are any/all of those varieties suitable for growing in pots? I've got a bag of B&Q organic compost and not a whole lot else - will that do for the pots or do any of them need something else?
If I do put them in pots, how big should the pots be for the first year?
Finally, once all that's sorted, if anyone has any advice about what to do to them in this first year to get a healthy plant - whether it's pruning, cropping/not cropping and so on - that would be appreciated too.
I've looked all this up in the books I've got on hand but none really answer it clearly... or at least, not in a way I've been able to understand easily.
Cheers folks.