I planted a Kiwi (Jenny) last year in an old plastic barrel about 2ft high and 2ft wide and stuck in a 6ft obelisk. Lat year it reached the top of the obelisk and I swear in the last two days it has grown another foot at least.
Can I simply train it to grow down the obelisk now and just have a bushy plant or should I just lop off the top of the branches. I dont have space to put posts and wires in, but could just lob it over the garage roof and let it meander down the street I suppose
It said compact variety when I bought it, but of course didn't realise that compact meant 100ft instead of 200ft
Can I simply train it to grow down the obelisk now and just have a bushy plant or should I just lop off the top of the branches. I dont have space to put posts and wires in, but could just lob it over the garage roof and let it meander down the street I suppose
