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How many strawberry plants in a 12" tub?


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  • How many strawberry plants in a 12" tub?

    I bought some square patio tubs from Poundland and was going to put my strawberry plants (that I bought last year) in them.

    I did put 4 plants (really tiny plug plants from Wilkinsons) in a 10" hanging basket but realise they will need to be in something bigger this year.

    I did look at a square food gardening site which said one per 12" tub but what do others think?
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  • #2
    Is it 12 inch square?If so, I would probably either put 3 plants in, or you could possibly get more alpine ones in than that...dont forget to use lots good manure and strawberry collars or a mat is good to protect from weeds and stop the strawbs from rotting


    • #3
      Originally posted by northepaul View Post
      Is it 12 inch square?If so, I would probably either put 3 plants in, or you could possibly get more alpine ones in than that...dont forget to use lots good manure and strawberry collars or a mat is good to protect from weeds and stop the strawbs from rotting
      Yep, they are square ones.

      I'm not 100% sure what type the strawbs were, maybe Temptation.

      I wasn't a member here then so I couldn't check to see if they were any good or not.
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      • #4
        In the ground, strawbs need to be 12" apart from each other
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #5
          I would probably plant two, one in a corner, diagonally opposite each other. They will be able to trail over the edge and with enough food and water won't be competing too much.


          • #6
            I usually put mine 7-8" apart and they seem fine with that


            • #7
              I just made a couple of strawberry planters from old tyres. I guess the diameter of the hole is about 17-18 inches and I put 5 plants in each, four round the edges and one in the middle. They are resting on the soil which has been well dug and manured and I filled the tyres with a loam-based mix plus BFB. I think some of the spacing rules owe more to tradition than what can actually be achieved. As a seasoned container grower I manage to get good crops from closer spacings than any of the books tell me.


              • #8
                Originally posted by solway cropper View Post
                I think some of the spacing rules owe more to tradition than what can actually be achieved. As a seasoned container grower I manage to get good crops from closer spacings than any of the books tell me.
                However, my strawb plants (when mature, not when babies) are 9-12" wide. There's no way I could cram 5 of them into a planter.

                Also, if they are at home with you, you have more control over watering & feeding. I actually prefer not having to water every day, so I give my plants more room.
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9

                  Thanks folks.

                  It is only their 2nd year so not sure how big/widespread they will get so I shall put 2 in each one and see how I go.

                  I can always put one per planter next year.

                  I was thinking of buying the 12 for �2.95 ones (see my post in Grapes Recommendations) so I may have to buy more planters!

                  When my daughter gets a bit older we will dig up some of the lawn, at the minute she enjoys having a kick around during the summer.
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 21again View Post
                    I was thinking of buying the 12 for �2.95 ones (see my post in Grapes Recommendations) so I may have to buy more planters!
                    Just checked on those Strawberry Cambridge Favourites and it says to plant 18" apart!

                    Now then, when was I going to dig up the lawn.

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                    • #11
                      18" sounds excessive, mine are 12" apart in raised beds and a lot closer in pots.
                      Wisley state 12" apart in beds, but last year they actually had them in the fruit garden only 8" apart.

                      So just do what works for you and the space you have available.


                      • #12
                        For what it is worth against what I have read here, I have 5 plants in 14 inch and seven in a 16 inch baskets and have had loads of fruit for the past two years, each year with a light dressing of rotted manure.
                        You grow it; I'l tell you how to cook it


                        • #13
                          Hi 21 again. Plant them at the best space you can give them, then next year when you have more experience you will know if they need more space or not.
                          The best you can do is learn from your own experience.
                          Good luck what ever you decide.

                          And when your back stops aching,
                          And your hands begin to harden.
                          You will find yourself a partner,
                          In the glory of the garden.

                          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                          • #14
                            im going to plant my strawberries next year innto those stackable planters that poundstrechers sell three in each one including the top but i may also put a flower such as a begonia in the top to attract bees for pollination purposes to hope to get the harvest off to a good start


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by solway cropper View Post
                              I just made a couple of strawberry planters from old tyres. I guess the diameter of the hole is about 17-18 inches and I put 5 plants in each, four round the edges and one in the middle. They are resting on the soil which has been well dug and manured and I filled the tyres with a loam-based mix plus BFB. I think some of the spacing rules owe more to tradition than what can actually be achieved. As a seasoned container grower I manage to get good crops from closer spacings than any of the books tell me.
                              I have strawberries in tyres up at the lottie and put three in each tyre last year. This summer they've totally filled the tyres and to be honest I could have done with more space so that a bit of air could get to the plants so I'm glad I didn't go for more than the 3 I planted in each although it might depend on the variety.

                              Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

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