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Am I too late for Raspberry Planting


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  • Am I too late for Raspberry Planting

    Hi everyone,

    I have just received some raspberry canes. Am i too late to plant them ? Also this is my first time with raspberries so any other advise on planting them is most welcome
    Last edited by Wannabe Veg Grower; 06-04-2010, 01:23 PM.

  • #2
    You should still be fine, I planted my first canes a few years ago in May and still got some fruit.

    Without knowing what variety you have it's difficult to give specific advice but I've found raspberrys to be really easy to grow. I give mine some feed when they are growing and prune back after the fruit has finished and the leaves die off.

    Also if you want cuttings then mine have taken from just putting the pruned stems into pots. Has saved me on buying new canes this year.

    If you search for "raspberrys" within this section of the forum you will get a load of post offering lots of good advice as well.


    • #3
      Thank you Crosby for your advice. I managed to get all 21 canes in before the rain this afternoon. i have placed them in 18 inches apart in 3 rows and added well rotted manure and fish,blood and bone and top dressed with compost and soil mix. It is raining heavily now so tomorrow i will go out and see them and heal them in if they have not settled well. The varietys were Malling Minerva, Cascade Delight and Joan J.


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