I've had on my allotment, for two years, what is described as a Red Burschlep apple - I have searched t'internet and it doesn't seem to exist and I've never read of it in any books. Has anyone heard of it, or know of it or have I, as I suspect, been sold a non-existent dolly??
It doesn't seem to be doing much at all when compared to the James Grieve and Braeburn bought at the same time, although the nursery that sold it to me told me it was in the same pollinating group as James Grieve (I did get one apple off the James Grieve in its first year)
I've had on my allotment, for two years, what is described as a Red Burschlep apple - I have searched t'internet and it doesn't seem to exist and I've never read of it in any books. Has anyone heard of it, or know of it or have I, as I suspect, been sold a non-existent dolly??
It doesn't seem to be doing much at all when compared to the James Grieve and Braeburn bought at the same time, although the nursery that sold it to me told me it was in the same pollinating group as James Grieve (I did get one apple off the James Grieve in its first year)
